drying in the desert


Well-Known Member
I moved to the inland empire from o.c and this will be my first crop since the move. I am ready harvest but have some concerns about drying it. I grow indoor hydro in a12x10 bedroom. I will be drying it in the same room, a buddy of mine in the same city dried an entire crop of white widow and it turned to crispy crap in a matter of days. Any advise would be greatly appreciated on how to overcome this. Fan location, how often to to open the room for air exchange...ect.. Id you live in a similar place and dry with succsess please reply.. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Have a large container or plastic bag, after a few days when the outer bud and leaves feel crispy put it into the container with lid on to 'wick' out the remaining moisture near the stem. Open the container about 3 times a day for 1/2 hour then close it back up, takes about another week.. The final product will be more consistant and smoke smoother.


Well-Known Member
Have a large container or plastic bag, after a few days when the outer bud and leaves feel crispy put it into the container with lid on to 'wick' out the remaining moisture near the stem. Open the container about 3 times a day for 1/2 hour then close it back up, takes about another week.. The final product will be more consistant and smoke smoother.
So when my buds are hanging I should put a bag over them?


Active Member
looks nice man i havent done it but i am imma jar them up and than burp them and sit them out for an hour or half of that but imma only hang till the stem bends and kinda cracks so i can control the dryness and try humidpacks


Well-Known Member
Seems like that would cause mold....
He's saying after a few days when they start to feel crispy throw them in a container like a tote (Home Depot, don't forget the lid) and open the lid like how he said to let them breath but the moister from the stems will help them from turning into crispy critters too quickly.


Well-Known Member
I grow/ live in Phoenix.. Its about 109 degrees today.. I dont do anything special. I mean the RH in my sealed room after a grow is like 30% RH my buds do dry fast though, about 3 days.. I been talking to some AZ growers who are putting humidifiers in their grow room for a slower dry.. Other than that I just cut and hang the whole plant and over the next few days I trim a little at a time by day 3 or 4 the buds are dry to the touch and I put them in the jar for the cure..