Drying tent

BB Boomer

Well-Known Member
I am going to use a AC Infinity 5x5 tent for a dedicated drying tent for harvests. The tent is located in the basement and my open air growing is in the basement as well. My open air grow consists of three 315w cmh lights plus one 3x3 grow tent with led lighting in the tent.

The climate in the basement is 79° F and 48% RH with lights on. 72° and 48% RH with lights off. Climate remains stable year round and I have no wish to change it as it works for my open growing.

The basement has no windows.

My intended setup for the tent will be:

1. AC Infinity 5x5 tent used solely for drying.

2. AC Infinity humidifier connected to the tent.

3. AC Infinity 6" inline fan hooked up for exhaust

4. Hydrofarm "Active Air " 14k btu portable air conditioner.

My intention is to put the a/c in the tent and vent outside of the tent. The exhaust hose will be attached and exhausted into the furnace duct work and disbursed throughout the house during the winter (live in Minnesota). During the summer I will just keep all the house windows open. Not a problem since drying only goes for about two weeks. Tent will otherwise be in a non operational mode. Not worried about the smell from the exhaust. It is like a delicious perfume to me.

I have some questions with the air intake.
On the a/c unit diagram it shows a hose exhaust outlet, a intake outlet, and a intake with what appears to be a grill covering it.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

I believe the air intake hose is for cooling the compressor and the other intake is for taking in the internal tent air?
1. Are my assumptions correct about the configuration of the a/c unit.

2. Can the intake hose be taking air in from the lung room/basement which is 79° ?

3. Can I skip using a intake hose and take the air from inside the tent if the passive vents are open to counter negative pressure. Would such an arrangement cancel out any cooling effects?

I have already bought the equipment so suggesting other equipment does not apply. I chose the portable a/c because I feel it is better for my situation and will only operate during the drying process.

I am turning to the community because there are so many knowledgeable people here.

I humblely ask for your advice.
Thank you
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Haven't used it yet. I've decided to have the ac outside of the tent. Going to just go ahead and intake from the lung and exhaust through a duct pipe that runs straight up from the basement and out through the roof. Then I am going to make a hood for the top of the AC out of 1.5" Styrofoam, install a 6" duct piece, and then pipe it into the tent. Almost done rigging things up.