Drying Trim And Buds For Cooking


today is 3/3/11 i just cut my palnts down and have the trim and popcorn nugs and want to make butter ect. and want to now how long to dry the leaves and nugs before using. thanx fo rthe help:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just put them in the over at 150 degrees until they are dry on cookie sheets. I have a convection oven so that helps. THC has a vaporization point of 392 degrees (that's why you can cook your brownies at 350 and still get high as hell off them). After that, I grind it into a powder, throw away any stems and then make my butter. The same theory applies to butter. You really don't need to double boil it, or cook it in a crock pot over night. Heat a pan around 280-300 degrees (I have a laser thermometer for industrial use, but they can be had for $30, otherwise a probe thermometer would probably work). Add your butter, ganja shake, and some water (chlorophyll is more water soluble than it is oil soluble, so this makes your butter taste better). Cook for an hour and a half or so. Then use some sort of press (I McGyvered one with my bench vise and some cookie sheets) and squeeze the butter into a clear bowl. Put that bowl in the fridge and the butter will float to the top and solidify. Once solid, poke a hole in it and pour all the water stored beneath out of the bowl. At that point you're left with pure butter! I think because of the higher temps you extract more, because this last batch of brownies I made had some serious veterans ripped off their asses :) Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
if you took the leaves and buds off already, i have absolutely no idea.

i wouldn't dream of pulling leaves or manicuring anything off the plant until it's done drying.
me, it would be about three or four weeks...
ideally, in a dark grow room at around 65-70 degrees and roughly 55% (+/- 5%) humidity.