Drying Ya Weed


Active Member
This only applies to people who trim the buds and hang the buds seperate straight after harvest- And wonder why after day5 buds are ready to go in jars- And it might seem obvious to some, but I know for sure people are still hacking them to bits after harvest-

If this does apply to you, then STOP ..

Your totally missing out if not done properly.

Its simple- Hang the entire plant frm the base- let all the leafs droop over for the first 3 or 4 daze- Then take off all the big leafs etc that have turned crispy- Then let it hang still for as long as ya can until the branch snaps or just about to snap- normally btween 9-13 days if enviromental conditions are Good.

Then trim ya buds proper before whacking into the Jars-

Humidity 50%-60% ideal and temps 15dg - 20dg Max-

Your goal you want to achieve is making sure the buds take as along as they can to evenly dry out- This improves the taste and Smell a hell of alot rather than trim up straight after harvest-

Trust me if you try it, you wont go back- Money back guarentee !!ha

A connissour once said to me, that only a connissour would know the difference between weed thats been dried in ten daze and weed thats taking 14 daze to dry-

If anyones drying the weed within a week, the follow the steps above and will drastically improve your end product-

Apologise if sounds like im trying to teach a grandma to suck eggs or whatever the sasying is ha ha