About 3 1/2 weeks into flowering, my partner switched some things around.
One of the things he switched was the timer. He consolidated 2 lights to one timer on a power strip. All good.
But, the fucking idiot plugs a timer in that's on 8-16 instead of 12-12.
It's been roughly 3 weeks. I noticed growth had slowed, and nodes were starting to space. Then all of a sudden the leaves started curling, and flower production halted. I thought at first, that I had perhaps overfed them somehow, and that proper leeching would straighten them out.
So, I realize my worst fears when I double check the timer he plugged in is on an 8-16 light cycle.
Now what?
Of course I switched everything back to the way it should be.
Can someone tell me what to expect out of my plants now? Are they going to get a lot taller? Is my yeild going down? Am I starting budding @ square one?
I'm so fucking pissed, I could really use some advice/good news. There is a lot at stake here. Over a god damn timer. FML Help
One of the things he switched was the timer. He consolidated 2 lights to one timer on a power strip. All good.
But, the fucking idiot plugs a timer in that's on 8-16 instead of 12-12.
It's been roughly 3 weeks. I noticed growth had slowed, and nodes were starting to space. Then all of a sudden the leaves started curling, and flower production halted. I thought at first, that I had perhaps overfed them somehow, and that proper leeching would straighten them out.
So, I realize my worst fears when I double check the timer he plugged in is on an 8-16 light cycle.
Now what?
Of course I switched everything back to the way it should be.
Can someone tell me what to expect out of my plants now? Are they going to get a lot taller? Is my yeild going down? Am I starting budding @ square one?
I'm so fucking pissed, I could really use some advice/good news. There is a lot at stake here. Over a god damn timer. FML Help