DWC basics please?


Active Member
so basically im looking to make a mini DWC system as an experiment along with some plants in soil. ive found a few systems i think are within my reach construction wise but i know very little about hydroponics.

ive looked around and cant find any real standard beginner info id need to actually complete a dwc grow.

so id like to know what are the basics behind DWC?
what are airstones used for?
how big of a resivour will i need for a small plant ( probably gonna be LST'D)

thanks in advance :weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
might say bubbleponics, or dwc, you don't need the pu,p and tubes going to the netpot,, but it is a good read.


Active Member
View attachment 1262249

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of man kinds earliest hydroponics system. In Babylon, mankind discovered that plants would grow in "moving water".

Later we discovered "moving air through the water" worked as well.

Then later after that we discovered "moving water through air" worked too.

These are the three categories of hydro in my opinion.

Systems with moving water: NFT, EBBFLO, Any sort of run to waste.
Systems with moving air through water: DWC
Systems with moving water through air: Fogponics, Spray systems, aeroponics