DWC Failure

Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it was hitting the bottom of the rockwell and bubbling at the roots of the plant, still the plant showed burnt tips and yellowing of the leaves. Anyone have any possible answers? Here is a posted link to my video of my setup!



Well-Known Member
Was the clone established with roots exploding out of the RW?

RW needs to drain.

After you have an established clone, you put the plant in the net pots and have the water just touching the bottom of the net pots. Once roots expose themselves out of the net pots, drop the water level to 1-3 inches BELOW the net pots.


Well-Known Member
I usually use plain water until the roots grow out of the net pots, then add 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes for the first week before upping it to full strength. I know there's more than one way to do it, that just seems to work for me. Maybe try cutting back the nutes?