DWC Issues


New Member
Hey having issues with red spots and discoloration. Using a drain to waste dwc. I have been using tap water but have distilled water for next swap. I have been changing water once a week so far. I haven't been top feeding that much about 1 every two days. Going to step up top feeding. Using GH notes 3 part with cal mag. PPM is at 550-600. There about 2-3 weeks since sprout, could use help. Using a 125 CFL. I do have 400 HPS but they are too young I feel. Water temp is at 68 degrees using a 6.5 watt pump seems like enough bubbles are going in there. Take a look let me know what you think. Possible calmat issue but Im not sure. I did find a



New Member
I added less than what was recommended per gallon for early stage veg. The tap water comes out about 200 PPM as is. These burns were prior to 500ppm batch. Before was running regular tap with a little call mag and PPM was about 250-300. I have a top feed solution I made that I keep the hydroton wet with. The roots are starting to pop out of pot nets and look all white
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Bank Breaker

Well-Known Member
when i was running GH, i always ran 1/4 strength nutes for about a solid week until my plants got to like 2nd or 4th internodes then i hit'em up with 1/2 str nutes. By this time the tap root would have been well into the bucket already. if you're not already running with Rapid Start, i really recommend it. a little goes a long way and experiment with it.

my tap comes out 7.7'ish with 70-100PPM. My solution normally came to about 300-400PPM. Water was fairly clear with a hint of purple/pink.


New Member
Thanks for the speedy response. I am using super thrive is rapid start really something I should look into. So my water is coming out heavier. Obviously in the long term I will switch over to RO but right now just doesn't fit my budget

Bank Breaker

Well-Known Member
me either, never invested in a ro machine because tap water never gave me HUGE issues.

there's tons of rooting additives out there. i just mentioned RS because you're already using GH, might as well give their rooting additive an honest try before you branch out and start testing with what works for you. this way GH would be your base reference for future trials vs other nutes. RS is clean and soluble too. very concentrated 5ml per 5gallon. and i use half of this with noticeable results.

how do u like Superthrive so far. and what differences did it make in your DWC.


Active Member
I'm using the same nutes plus superthrive at 1drop/gal plants like it. I just pushed mine to full strength nutes and plants seem to be really responding well. This is my first grow and I use the 111 ratio suggested on the back of the bottle. I run cal/mag about 250ppm. I do have ro water through. I check ph when I first mix nutes try to get it at 5.6-5.8 it creeps up to about 6.2-6.4.
Like i said this is my first grow and this is what works for me. Hope this helps