DWC Net Pot Video Question


Well-Known Member
Ur Drowning it probably the moisture from the bubbles should be enough for that small plant the dude at htg supply told me that It should be like an inch below and then when the roots come out u lower it n so on


Well-Known Member
in my opinion you should put the water level a half inch above the bottom of your net pot and hand water the little guy until the roots touch the res. then lower the res accordingly


Well-Known Member
The water doesnt need to touch the pot. In fact having it an inch below till the roots grow down works well for a couple reasons. The air bubbles will rise to the top and pop, splashing water up onto the hydroton and also creating an O2 enriched environment for your yougin. I'd go with 1" below.


Well-Known Member
Agreed above, you should have the water about 1 inch below the bottom of the pot....i would add a top drip to inhibit the root flow to the water. the yellowing of the tips look like they are nutrient deficient. What is your pH?