dwc noob with nute question :/


New Member
Well I know I'm getting old cause my noobish moments are becoming more frequent lol.

Anyway all I have for flower is age old bllom. I'm not sure if this can even be used in hydro but I have half a line of other supplements and such I was hopin someone could reccomend a good flower fert to go with what I got?
I have big bug bud blood carbo load hammerhead bud candy and micro gold.lol. Any good prefferably cost effective reccomendations? Thanks guys.


Active Member
cost effective :o

big bud and bud blood o_0 seems like you have some good flower nutes already but, koolbloom powder or liquid form is good too


New Member
Hmm. I was under the impression these were just supplements? Like flavor or smell increasers and sugars. Not a base nutrient? Idk I'm a noob to all this hydo buisiness


Active Member
Hmm. I was under the impression these were just supplements? Like flavor or smell increasers and sugars. Not a base nutrient? Idk I'm a noob to all this hydo buisiness
Those are additives or supplements, your right. If it's hydro nutes you want, you can't go wrong with General Hydroponics flora series nutes... easy to use pH stabilized liquid nutes... your pH should stay very stable.

Don't know that many of those additives... you can read up on them and see which ones you might want to use.. but if it's your first grow you might wanna be cautious with em and you may find you don't need them.

You may want to invest in a pH meter... if your running a hydro op you will want to know your pH... or you could get some pH test strips to see if your in range but you may run into problems.

If you really don't want to use a pH meter... I can let you in on a little secret, lol. If you use distilled water, GH liquid nutes, and SM-90 your pH will be at around 5.6-5.9 when you add it all... how big is your res.. what kind of hydro setup you runnin?

bam bam

Active Member
Get a PH meter man, dont go cheap with PH. It will ruin you.

Even soil grower use a PH meter. If you know your nutrients well or use organic nutrients, you probally could get away with out a PPM meter but a PH meter is something you will need.


New Member
Those are additives or supplements, your right. If it's hydro nutes you want, you can't go wrong with General Hydroponics flora series nutes... easy to use pH stabilized liquid nutes... your pH should stay very stable.

Don't know that many of those additives... you can read up on them and see which ones you might want to use.. but if it's your first grow you might wanna be cautious with em and you may find you don't need them.

You may want to invest in a pH meter... if your running a hydro op you will want to know your pH... or you could get some pH test strips to see if your in range but you may run into problems.

If you really don't want to use a pH meter... I can let you in on a little secret, lol. If you use distilled water, GH liquid nutes, and SM-90 your pH will be at around 5.6-5.9 when you add it all... how big is your res.. what kind of hydro setup you runnin?
+rep for the help. My res is 12 gallons and I have been using a lot of these nutes since they came out so I am very very very familiar with them so a ppm meter is useless imo. As for my water I know its good right now cause the ratio I mix my veg nutes to sets me right at 5.9 but I will definetly pick up a ph meter today. This techno shit is crazy. First time in my life I've even wondered what my ph is.


New Member
Went with advanced nutrients bloom 0-5-4 results in a few months. 12/12 next week. Be sure and check out my grow link in my signature.