DWC Ph Level and Water Temperature


Active Member
I heard about cannabis thrivingvat a pH of 6.0 to 6.5, and a temperature between 65 F and 75 F. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
You need to let it fluctuate between 5.2 and 6.2.

Find a plant abuse list which has the pH lockout and uptake for each nutrient, you'll find there's no magic perfect level.

Never let it go above 6.5 because some chemicals may bind together and become unavailable.


Well-Known Member
StealthHawk - I would say 65 - 70 for water temperature would be better. I believe 68 degree fahrenheit water holds a large % of dissolved oxygen. As the temperature of the water rises, it is unable to dissolve as much oxygen gas - so your plants will have less breathing air available! Higher temperatures with less dissolved oxygen is also a better environment for bacteria! Try to keep your temps down and happy growing!

edit: I agree with AFKA on allowing the PH to drift a bit. However I have never adjusted down to 5.2 The lowest I have gone is 5.5, and allowed it to raise to 6.4 In my experience with my DWC I have found my strain of plants likes to drift from 5.8 to 6.3, at 68 - 70 degree water temps.
I have forgotten how to find all the charts on rollitup :S my bad.. this is the only one I could find. But you'll see that you'll be alright in a range. Don't continuously add PH up or down to hit one specific number. If your PH is between 5.5 and 6.0 in my opinion, you will be fine!