DWC System not light tight


Active Member
Made a DWC system out of a small rubbermaid tub that incorporates 3 inch net pots. This DWC system will be seedlings home for only the first 3 weeks of veg growth then plants will be moved.

the reason it's not light tight is because light leaks through the spaces in between pieces of hydroton, past the net pots and into the reservoir.

it's not a lot of light mind you, although there is some. I am hoping this will be OK for my plants as it will only be their home for about 3 weeks.

what are thoughts about this issue of some light leakage into the DWC reservoir?


Well-Known Member
it wont hurt the plants per se, but it could cause algae to grow in the res... which is not ideal...

you could make some covers out of some aluminum foil, mylar, or a paper plate or something...


Well-Known Member
Hey bro u can make some nice covers out of the cut outs u originally cut when u made the tub.
If not anything will work really.its best to cover tho.U can also fill ur pots up all the way to block light.
But inevitably minimal light penetration will not neccesarily harm ur plants. Algea growth will occur in ur water with light penetration but if u stick to a strict water change primarily every 10 days for smaller buckets and 2 weeks for bigger tubs. u shouldnt have any problems.
follow the instructions very closely on ur food bottles and dont over feed. Better safe then sorry man.

Hope that helps