dwc vs soil grow indoors


so what is my best way to go with 30 seeds of white widow i want to get as much weed as i can 30 plants should give me how many pounds of widow???


Well-Known Member
30 seeds wont end up 30 females.....

But still 15-20 females is still 15-20 plants if you dont even consider clones. I would start like 10 at a time.... pick the best pheno's clone em and rock it out.....

But 30 plants yeah you should totally hit 200-300 pounds for sure dude!!! :eyesmoke::roll:


New Member
It all depends of the skill levels involved to really make sense of this equation and therefore asking such a question warrants no skills involved .. Hence this makes me come to the conclusion that the 30 seeds may become nothing but another grow gone wrong ..