dxm at work?


Well-Known Member
Depends what plateau you are going for. Low 2nd plateau and I say it will increase your performance, you will be MUCH more talkative, but it shouldn't be noticeable. Anything above that and I just say it might be too noticeable, and you'll feel more and more sluggish as your dose rises, but at a low 2nd your mind should be ZIPPING and you should be talking quite a lot. Might actually help you out a lot with your job if its a stressful one (just don't make a bad habit out of it, cause this shit raises your tolerance FAST, and you stay that way for a long time, and it just gets less and less enjoyable), but this is from someone who abused it at high doses twice a week for 9 months, and had been using for a couple years. I need at least 900mg of pure powder to get me where I want to be (so that should show you something).


Well-Known Member
I used to do dxm a bunch. I worked as a waiter and would go in trippin my ballz off not having a clue about anything and then come home and have like 60 bucks in 3 hours I don't have any clue how.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
oh shit! haha let us know how it goes hopefully you don't get visuals, last time I did it a probably looked like a was trippin on shrooms, my pupils took over the color of my eyes, HUGE PUPILS


New Member
Ok. Took a half bottle of delsym. The 3 fl oz bottle.

Im 5'11" at 180 lbs

Basically got a sudden rush of energy. All stress was gone ;) body and the head just felt amazing

Thats bout it alot of energy that came on quick. It was yummy.

Effects i swear kicked in immediatly it seemed like

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Indeed, just get stuff containing only dxm although the inactive ingredients will raise your blood glucose levels at high doses.. but you'll be good you probably would have had visuals if you drank the whole bottle haha


New Member
Did the other half at wrk today.

Omfg i felt amazing!! My head was numb my body was tingling with a feel good sensation.

Hell im like still trippn coming down though. Took at at 9 45 this morning. Damn i did not know i could feel that good not stoned lool. Next time its a whole bottle maybe more then im not touching it again


Well-Known Member
This OTC over-medicating fad is amoung the worst of them all, stopping just short of men wearing girl pants. It's such a waste of time and the high isn't worth the risk. If you want to get loaded, get some real drugs.Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
This OTC over-medicating fad is amoung the worst of them all, stopping just short of men wearing girl pants. It's such a waste of time and the high isn't worth the risk. If you want to get loaded, get some real drugs.Nuff said.
How is pure DXM not a real drug?


Well-Known Member
It's not shit talking. Taking copious amounts of something normally taken tablespoons at a time doesn't sound like a good idea. When I said REAL drugs I was referring to a substance not obtained with milk money at RiteAid. So, why not cut out the bullshit and grab something that's ment to fuck you up.