Just get some compost in a plant pot and run water through it, and collect the 'tea' that drains out of the pot.
Then put an air stone in the tea (air stone attached to an aquarium pump) and aerate it for 24 hours or so (you could just put it in a bottle and regularly shake it to aerate it but it won't be quite as good, but still useable).
Then when you are ready, mix the tea with some water and spray all over the plant.
I don't have an aquarium pump so at the moment I have compost tea in a bottle and I shake it up to aerate it every now and then.
You could add a little blackstrap molasses (black treacle) or brown sugar to the tea to liven up the good bacteria and fungi in the tea, but it's not essential. Maybe give the plant a good spraying with it a couple of times over the next few days and see if it remedies the issue.
Good luck. I hope you are able to save the plant