dying plant help! super sour flower


So this is my first grow Im growing in my room with cfl's and use no nutes, my ph is at 6 and my plant was doing ok until two days ago



I have 4 plants total and this is only showing up on the sour flower and I saw the start of it on one of my other plants =\

Been doing a f-ton of reading and from what I learned this could be a possible K def? Or do I have A infection of some sort?

Anyways thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
You need to feed it. If nothing else go get some peters 20-20-20 give it a dose at half strength then wait a days and see if she is better. This is just the first step to bring the plant back though if in fact it is lack of something and not something else.


Well-Known Member
hmmm,i would try and raise your ph to 6.4 or even 6.8. and also how old is your plant and how often do u water?what type of soil are u using and whats in it?


Well-Known Member
o and btw your plant is really lanky even if your plant was healthy i hope u release u might only get around 5-10grams off that plant.
Definitely need more info before making any guesses as to what it might be. Mainly, how often are you watering? and what kind of soil is it. Also are you watering with tap water or RO water? Is that where you are growing it? if it is, you need to get some mylar on the walls. if you are using CFL's you cant afford any wasted light.

One thing is for sure, next time you grow in a pot that small, at least make sure you fill it up with soil. It looks like a 1.5 - 2 gal pot at most, and you only half filled it, its gonna get root bound in a hurry.


Hey thanks for the info

M y room temp is 70 deg , soil miracle grow Moisture control potting mix with filtered tap water I don't use any nutes and all my plants are clones and I water every 3 days or so or until the soil is dry to the touch

Here is my true OG under the same setup, it was mauled by my cat as a baby but is doing ok


Well-Known Member
So this is my first grow Im growing in my room with cfl's and use no nutes, my ph is at 6 and my plant was doing ok until two days ago



I have 4 plants total and this is only showing up on the sour flower and I saw the start of it on one of my other plants =\

Been doing a f-ton of reading and from what I learned this could be a possible K def? Or do I have A infection of some sort?

Anyways thanks for your time!
you got 2 problems one ur using regular house light cfl bulbs and 2 as u say u not feeding them they have next to nothing foliage/leaf wise
dont worry tho i started this way and u will learn your gonna get next to nothing off them imo what u need to do is start again i know its a ball ache but ur waisting time and money/electricbill on something ur gonna be verry dissapointed with if u have no seeds go to picknmixseeds.co.uk if ur in the uk or europe they sell single seeds like cheese for as cheap as £3.15 and hundreds of other strains and ur best thing to do is get feminised that means it will definatly be female/bud cos if ur using a seed u got out of weed u boaught guaranteed it will be shit right after u done that here is some steps u might already know this shit but from the looks of it u dont and u need advice so il give u the best advice for someone with out much money/funds for a grow if u keep them u need nutes and more cfl lamps emediatly

(1)go down to ur local supermarket asda/tesco or in us wallmart and get some cheap nutrients/food u can get it for a couple of pounds 1st off get some tomatoe feed or lawn feed as they are high in nitrogen which is what ur plant needs in the first month or 2 for veg/24hr lighting period then once your plant is big enough with enough leaf and at least a foot tall turn your light from 24 hrs to 12 hrs on and 12 hrs total darkness then that will start the budding period it can take as much as one month forlittle female flwrs to show with low wattage cfls and to be honest they just wont cut it in flwr because there wont be enough wattage/lumens in the house cfl bulbs for ur buds to mature sure u will get a few calyxes/buds here and there but they wont mature and definatly wont get u stoned i budded with cfls in my first grow i had 15 of them around 1 plant and the buds just wouldnt mature it was budding for 6 months when i decided to cut it down it was a waste of half a year the bud didnt smell when it dried either here is a pic of that plant and it drying it looks ok but beleive me it was a big dissapointmentimage201u.jpg2ndgrow4colas.jpg2ndgrowyeild.jpg4monthbuddingcfl.jpg and the bud bas mostly leafthe best advice i can give you is pop ur self down to a hydroponics shop and ask for the cheapest light to grow nice weed with a 250w hps is perfect wnt cost much on lekky and u will get 2 oz per plant here is a pic of my first grow with a proper 250w hps light look at the difference big massive buds and this one smelt beautiful and i got 2 oz of bud per plant compared to half oz of mostly leaf it just got fatter and fatter image515.jpgimage516.jpgimage498.jpgimage525.jpg a 250w hps light will set u back around 50 quid but its worth it totally with that 250w u could grow 4 plants close next to each other and in ur first grow it will take 3 month from seed to harvest depending if u get a quick strain which with 4 under it between 1 and 2 oz per plant the strains i used under the 250w hps above were bigbang by greenhouse seed co which are £2.50 per fem seed on that website and mama mia from seedsman seeds at £4.44 per fem seed the fattest was the cheapest big bang here are the links to the seeds on the seed site


with proper seeds like feminised u cant really go wrong with them and u will get smokeable bud which will get you high if u go this way let them bud for 9-10 weeks then they ready to chop and dry dont forget to flush/stop using nutes/food a coup[le of weeks before just plain cold water a day or 2 before chopping water with ice cold water it will shock ur buds and they will swell out a bit more i was told all this info on this site when i started like you with cfls now im using 600w light and growing 10 at a time in a tent u will learn and become experienced in growing its all aboiut learnin we all make mistakes growing and learn from them we were all newbs to growing ganja oncehere is a few pics of the ones ive don with a 600w hps the higher the wattage the more plants u can do under it and the fatter they will be but with a downfall of a bigger lekky bill


carry on pal coz one day urs will bge as big as this probly bigger coz im far from a pro and u will be smoking quality bud that u know isnt full of shit like crushed glass and baby milk or like some dutch weed imported thats been sprayed with varnish its all true thats what u get on the street if ur unlucky like some but u can smoke ur own good shitp2144030711.jpg any ways goodbye from me nitrobob/sensimansensiman.jpg happy growing mate and good luck


Well-Known Member
i only read ur 1st msg before postin all that seems like u already know this shit what a waste of time fuck it im stoned lol