E on international flight

K I know this was asked but new people always register here and I can't find the answer in previous topics.

I know you guys fly a lot and some of you had international flights recently. I'm in Canada so what are the rules of bringing medication on a plane? How badly they check them when you depart and arrive? And has anyone tried to smuggle e with your usual pills?
I know it's risky as fuck but I can't imagine them checking every passenger's every bottle of headache, stomach ache or travel sickness pills or vitamins or whatever... I'm considering taking around 10-15 for myself and friends, of course with deleting all the logos or making powder and putting into capsules...maybe even seal that bottle if it's a small one, and I want to put it into carry-on with all the papers needed for those meds

plus airports will be busy as hell on Xmas and New Years time...please tell me if you know anything about it!
it's doable. but it's always risky.

10-15 for yourself and your friends?? fuck that. are your friends going to do the hard time??? there's a difference between being caught with 3 pills, and being caught with 20. a BIG ONE.

take what you think you want for yourself, and if your friends want x, they can take it or find itthemselves.

i knew a friend who had 2 double stacks (supposedly the best x he's ever done) hidden with his medication on his way back from UMF and when he got to security they were like what's this, he said his doctor gave it to him b/c he gets anxious on the plane, the guys said: really?? then take them now.

he was rolling his ass off the whole flight home.
on international flights, even if you get past the initial screening/customs, you can still get randomly searched while you're at your gate. it happened to me in the uk. i forget the exact circumstances, but the security dude said it was a random search.