Early budding


Active Member
So I started my plants indoor as clones under 18 hrs light /6 hrs dark fluorescent lights. Moved them outside March 25th or so. They've been thriving well, but it appears to me that some of them have started budding. This is only my second grow so I could be mistaken, but I have pistils coming out on some of them, there is a considerable amount of trichromes forming, and whats starting to appear as bud formations. I have read this can happen if you put them outside to early in the year, is this true?

What can I expect out of these as the spring turns to summer and the days get longer. Will it continue budding? or go back to veg? I'm getting ready to plant them in the ground and I'd like to have an idea what to expect.


Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I have had two large mother plants that I put outside to flower out naturally. Whatever will be will be with them, so I put them out in early spring as you would any other plant. The weather was variable at best sometimes overcast for days and sometimes sunny.Like yours mine started to pre flower also but I just let them do their thing and by October I had some real nice buds... mother nature knows whats up, if she isn't worried then you shouldn't be either..


Active Member
Ok cool thanks for the info. I had some pH problems about 3 weeks ago so I think the added stress and early spring placement could have pushed them to flower early. Since then they have been very healthy once I was able to balance the pH.


Well-Known Member
If clones are put outside before June 1st, they will begin to flower because there is not enough day light hours to keep them in veg. Some people put them out May 15, but I've seen some flower and some not putting them out then. June 1st is a safe day. The plant will revert back into veg when there is enough sun light hrs in the day. The plant will stress out and it will stunt its growth for a while and its possible that it will hermie out from the stress. Its definitely not ideal, but it may do ok depending on how far into flower it goes. Definitely won't get the full potential out of the plant