Early harvest or wait it out?


Well-Known Member
Mac 1 has been through the ringer in NorCal. Bugs, low humidity, a 7.5pH that doesn’t want to come down (sulfur, worm castings, ph down, etc) the list goes on. Anyone ever do an early harvest and looking at my plant does it look like a candidate? Appreciate anyones HELPFUL input, and thank you in advance. I’m not necessarily a noob grower, but I’m out of ideas?!


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I would try a transplant into another container with fresh medium - no other kitchen sink amendments thrown in - just the plant / fresh soil / tap water.
I would try a transplant into another container with fresh medium - no other kitchen sink amendments thrown in - just the plant / fresh soil / tap water.

Thanks man, I’ll give that a try. it’s FF ocean blend with added worm castings, some sulfur and some pH down with no results. I appreciate the advice bro I’ll post the update in a few days
Honestly you can try and wait it out but I think even after 2 more months you won't get more the 5-6 grams off that plant and it may or may not be any good so it's up to you if you want to mess with it for the next month it's your call
Thanks man, I’ll give that a try. it’s FF ocean blend with added worm castings, some sulfur and some pH down with no results. I appreciate the advice bro I’ll post the update in a few days
Some of us get bored sometimes and we like to troll
Happy frog
Recipe 420

No boutique super soil shit. Just a good amended soil.
Ocean forest alone ( no other additives ) can feed by itself for weeks on water alone.
Thanks man, I’ll give that a try. it’s FF ocean blend with added worm castings, some sulfur and some pH down with no results. I appreciate the advice bro I’ll post the update in a few days
FFOF is good around here. I've heard stories about the East Coast stuff though. Why add extra sulfur and why pH down?

And damn, I just looked at the pics. Water those poor things.
FFOF is good around here. I've heard stories about the East Coast stuff though. Why add extra sulfur and why pH down?

And damn, I just looked at the pics. Water those poor things.

I suspect the Grow Big I added (likely too soon at 8 weeks) made the soil alkaline.
Why the excess sulphur ? Why GRO big ?

The easiest approach is letting that host medium ( bagged soil ) do all the feeding upfront.
No feed schedules - No guessing. The more you post the more we find out more nutes than necessary.

Plant is flat out stunted … Keep things simple.
Anyone ever do an early harvest and looking at my plant does it look like a candidate?
Yes, I've harvested early before but never that early. So, I'd say nope, definitely not a candidate for early harvest by any stretch of the imagination. Way way waaaay to early...and sickly.

I’m not necessarily a noob grower
Could have fooled me.

You must have missed that “HELPFUL information” part I put in the original post. If you don’t want to help, don’t comment.
Oh, unlike all those other threads that say "unhelpful and trolling advice welcomed". Honestly, that kind of bitch attitude from the outset is exactly what draws in the trolls. It drew me in. Well done. Act like a snowflake with a shit grow and you're gonna get trolled.
Also, you've got is ass backwards. Its a free world. I'll comment whatever and whenever I like. If YOU dont like it then YOU shouldn't put yourself out there, and just cower away for ever more. Otherwise shut up.