Early nute burn


Well-Known Member
Dearest RIU forum members,
I need some help. or i will, in the near future. i have about 6 plants maybe 2 weeks into vegging, very young, but looking pretty. Theyre planted in an organic soil called jungle growth, which comes with nutrients mixed in. I wanted to get some better stuff but Lowe's selection leaves a bit to be desired.
anyways, my problem: Today i woke up and noticed yellow spotting on the edges of the leaves that looks suspiciously like nute burn. at the current state, its hardly noticeable, but since this plant is so young, i cnat let it go on unadressed or i will very quickly find myself with a mutilated, dead, cannabis plant. Now i havent used any outside nutrients, nothing added, just water and soil and light so far. So im assuming the nutrient overload has to be in the soil. theyre already planted there so i cant really transplant them, especially this young. is there a way i can flush out extra nutrients from the soil? what are your thoughts ladies and gentlemens?
Thanks for any and all help you can give me
JanecommaMary out.


Dearest RIU forum members,
I need some help. or i will, in the near future. i have about 6 plants maybe 2 weeks into vegging, very young, but looking pretty. Theyre planted in an organic soil called jungle growth, which comes with nutrients mixed in. I wanted to get some better stuff but Lowe's selection leaves a bit to be desired.
anyways, my problem: Today i woke up and noticed yellow spotting on the edges of the leaves that looks suspiciously like nute burn. at the current state, its hardly noticeable, but since this plant is so young, i cnat let it go on unadressed or i will very quickly find myself with a mutilated, dead, cannabis plant. Now i havent used any outside nutrients, nothing added, just water and soil and light so far. So im assuming the nutrient overload has to be in the soil. theyre already planted there so i cant really transplant them, especially this young. is there a way i can flush out extra nutrients from the soil? what are your thoughts ladies and gentlemens?
Thanks for any and all help you can give me
JanecommaMary out.
post a picture to better diagnose

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yup, that's a clear nute burn.

Your plant is a bit too dark green, meaning that it aws able to handle the N up to now, but now it's starting to be too much.

Well, you can either water her less, since the nutes in soil are released each time you water or you could transplant.

If the soil didn't kill her by now, the more she grows, the better she'll be at handling the nutes, but if the problem worsens, you're going to have to transplant. It's your call, but remember that it's never a good idea to transplant after a plant has gone into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Dearest RIU forum members,
I need some help. or i will, in the near future. i have about 6 plants maybe 2 weeks into vegging, very young, but looking pretty. Theyre planted in an organic soil called jungle growth, which comes with nutrients mixed in. I wanted to get some better stuff but Lowe's selection leaves a bit to be desired.
anyways, my problem: Today i woke up and noticed yellow spotting on the edges of the leaves that looks suspiciously like nute burn. at the current state, its hardly noticeable, but since this plant is so young, i cnat let it go on unadressed or i will very quickly find myself with a mutilated, dead, cannabis plant. Now i havent used any outside nutrients, nothing added, just water and soil and light so far. So im assuming the nutrient overload has to be in the soil. theyre already planted there so i cant really transplant them, especially this young. is there a way i can flush out extra nutrients from the soil? what are your thoughts ladies and gentlemens?
Thanks for any and all help you can give me
JanecommaMary out.
I definately agree with the above post. That is nute burn (Not to bad I would say)

Nute burn in the early stages is not always a bad sign. Just the plant telling you there is a lot of nutrients in the soil.

Make sure you let the soil completely dry, then just water her regularly. Don't give any nutes.

Just let her grow, she will be ok