Early problems! yellow/browning leaves


New Member
Long time lurker but first time poster, have always enjoyed the forum but the time is come I need to seek for direct help!
Since sprouting I have had a yellow/browning of the leaves and have researched to my best extent what the problem could be. I am calling on my favourite forum for research to please help and save my ladies!

I have gone through all the possibilities;

Heat stress: I moved the plants a further 5 inches away to ensure it wasn't this simple problem.

PH: I began leaving my tap water out for 24 hours in an open container for the water to go "stale" and neutralise

Nute burn: i haven't fed any nutes yet and double checked my compost was organic and neutral. (wesspec potting soil)

They are all 2 and a half weeks old and I would love to know if I could save them before it was too later!

Save me!

Thanks guys and looking forward to being more active as a member :)20150212_221618.jpg


New Member
Just to add I'm growing autoflower pineapple and critical rapido with a 300w CFL light (dual spectrum) on a 14/10 cycle


Well-Known Member
They're young. They burn easy, so take it easy for the next week or two. Watch your temps. 72-76F during lights on with a ten degree drop at night. Himidity 50-60% during veg. 30-35% during flower. They look decent for seedlings. Patience is the name of the game right now.


New Member
Thanks for the reply!

I'm currently using an old chest of drawers with a false wood front, as for ventilation I have drilled holes and there are loose slats at the back, with a 6w desk fan running for the full light period. The problem is I run the lights at night so the peeking light from the air holes wake the wife so she covers it with a blanket.

Any quick fixes to drop the temperature?

I took my CFL from vertical to horizontal as I read that being vertical will burn the ballast


Well-Known Member
I doubt isue is PH, but letting water sit out just gets rid of chlorine.

You need to get prepared for odor control. I doubt the mrs will want to sleep with a skunk in the room.


New Member
I doubt isue is PH, but letting water sit out just gets rid of chlorine.

You need to get prepared for odor control. I doubt the mrs will want to sleep with a skunk in the room.
Yeah it's something I've been thinking about luckily she isn't too fussed about smell but never know about the neighbours etc. We smoke daily in the same room I'm not sure how much smellier it'll be.

Thanks for the help guys, keep piling it on! :)