Early ripening


New Member
Hi everyone, i have just joined and hope i can get some knowledge that it seem i need.

I have been having problems with my plants ripening a bit too early. Everything goes just great until the 4th week sometime in the 4th week something happens. I water them and within days brown airs are prominent. Also notice leaves don't stay as green as they should after this happens.. It happens way too fast and too early. Sometimes when i grow the hairs will stay pure white a lot longer. The browning will start slowly around the end of week 5 and i will harvest with some white hairs. The buds get much bigger, stickier and better smoke.

I am using Canna terra + 25% worm castings + Blood n bone with potash in it

I usually top up feed some more worm castings and a little B&B around 14 days into flower.

Only water is given ( once or twice i add a very small amount of seaweed)

Very healthy fast growing, thick stems and it's worked perfectly on several grows where i have had record harvests. Seems to be hit or miss though, something keeps going wrong right at the critical time of the flowers growth. It's not a pollination problem. I have had some strains not do it in the same tent as ones that have but on the next grow they will also have the problem. I have a new strain now and it is still all white haired at week 8 while everything around it browned off early.

Apart from pollination what nutrient problems might cause this. I feel like maybe they are either missing a critical element for the flower stage or, maybe they have too much of something.. I am wondering if i should switch to an organic liquid fert. I do have Canna Terra Flores and Vega but honestly don't know how to use it.. I can't do drain to waste and from what i gathered that is how it's used.

Doe's anyone use Canna Terra and what ferts do they use and when?
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