Early Sex detection


Active Member
Hey Guys. Got a few plants here that I am wondering about early sex detection on. These plants have been on a 12/12 light schedule for 9 - 7 days and are the most promising of my 11 plants going.

So heres what i think. Let me know if its wayy to early, or if you need more pictures.
I will be posting new pics for each hopeful girl every 3-4 days.

Big Bud #1 - Possible Male - Too Early?


DSC00445 (Large).jpg

Big Bud #2 - Female? - Too Early?
DSC00471 (Large).jpg

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DSC00470 (Large).jpg

Red Afgani #1 - Male? - Too Early?
DSC00479 (Large).jpg

DSC00476 (Large).jpg

Red Afgani #2 - Male - Too Early.

DSC00475 (Large).jpg



Well-Known Member
The males will show first..you will see little clusters of balls ..but these are to early to tell.....


Well-Known Member
The males will show first..you will see little clusters of balls ..but these are to early to tell.....
Not necessarily.

Plants this size should have shown preflowers long ago while vegging. Get a lens and read my link below.