Early Special


Active Member
I have finally decided after hours of research that for my first grow I will attempt Early Special, the seeds being supplied from Nirvana, as I have read they are reliable. I chose early special because I need a strain that is ready for Harvest in August i have read that Early Special can be ready as early as July if planted in April.

Has anyone ever grown Early Special, and do you have any tips for this first time grower? :-?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Plant in April and harvest in July??? In the tropical climes of Canada?? Man! the seed dealers are piling on the hype, too. I guess with this ruderalis craze they can go even further.

Well, if you do that, you will have a very small plant, with a small yield of immature buds.

Then you can call it BC Bud ! :blsmoke:


Active Member
I'm just goin with what i've read and trying to get help, when do you think the earliest i could harvets would be


Uses the Rollitup profile
For a short growing season, go with a hybrid that is Indica-dominate, or mostly Indica traits. She will be mature in about 8 weeks, but since you don't know the date of inducement, you can figure that it will be around July 1, so a harvest of early Sept may be possible.

If you want it earlier, you can, with some diligence, cause her to be induced earlier by artificially increasing the amount of dark hours each day starting say June 1st, and then you would have to do it daily for only a month.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
thx for th ehelp i researched what you wrote and have come across a method of covering the plants with garbage bags for longer darkness has anyone had any success with this method


Active Member
also if i were to have my plants in a standard 1 gallon pot would i b able to keep them in the light and then move them into the darkness how much light would i need to provide daily


Well-Known Member
hey man i cant only tell ya what i read about fast harvests.and if i was wanting the fastest possible i would have to go with lowriders. they autoflower so covering them isnt something yould have to do. ive read good things about them, but reading is all ive done with them. so dont take my word for it, but its something to think about. anywhoo thats my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
If you cover them with garbage bags make sure that you use stakes so the bags don't weigh down your plants.


Active Member
thanks for that tip, but do you mean stakes to hold the garbage bag over the plant or stakes along the stem of the plant?


Active Member
as long as the plant is suported it dosnt mater its up to you or you could put 4 long stakes around the plant a litle bit higher then the plant and just put the pab over that kind of like a tent