Earthworm castings

My plants love this shit so much I almost want to give it a try myself.

Local Homedepot (12lbs)

Local HomeDepot (6lbs)
Agreed with the make your own. You not only get castings but leachate as well, a little goes a long way. Plants love it, castings themselves wont burn plants, it's free and you get to dispose of waste that would otherwise be in a plastic bag somewhere in a landfill. I also like throwing the plant after harvest into bin, bits at a time. Plants make a full cycle. Preferred bought brand is wiggle worm soil builder.


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Agreed with the make your own. You not only get castings but leachate as well, a little goes a long way. Plants love it, castings themselves wont burn plants, it's free and you get to dispose of waste that would otherwise be in a plastic bag somewhere in a landfill. I also like throwing the plant after harvest into bin, bits at a time. Plants make a full cycle. Preferred bought brand is wiggle worm soil builder.
Agreed with the make your own. You not only get castings but leachate as well, a little goes a long way. Plants love it, castings themselves wont burn plants, it's free and you get to dispose of waste that would otherwise be in a plastic bag somewhere in a landfill. I also like throwing the plant after harvest into bin, bits at a time. Plants make a full cycle. Preferred bought brand is wiggle worm soil builder.
What about bugs? Does it attract other bugs?
as above, there very easy to keep in a large tub, as long as you follow a sew simple rules, you will have black gole for years and if you invest in a proper worm bin,they have a section at the base of them with a tap, and you drain out all the liquid and water it down as a feed, plus you still have the castings too
Can anyone do a comparison of fresh worm castings vs bagged?

Id like to see that and hear about the smoke difference

Need clones as well!
there will be a big differance between the two, the fresh castings and liquid frim them make a huge diferance, its something about the freshness of the castings and liquid thats in the fresh lot that make this so. ill look it up and see if i can find the info that i found previously, its a great read
there will be a big differance between the two, the fresh castings and liquid frim them make a huge diferance, its something about the freshness of the castings and liquid thats in the fresh lot that make this so. ill look it up and see if i can find the info that i found previously, its a great read

I actually found a local source nearby which I’m yet to visit. Guess I’ll have to make the effort if the results are compelling
What about bugs? Does it attract other bugs?
It does certain mites help break food down for worm consumption. I have my bin in the room beside one of my grow rooms. I've had that bin about a year and a half no mites have been in tents. They have everything they need inside the worm bin. Letting bin dry some will keep them in check. It's in my wife's craft room that she took from me but worms stayed lol you know how most women are with bugs, she doesn't notice.
I like the Brut Earthworm castings on Amazon-$29.99 for a 30 lb bag, which is not bad for online prices, although I'm sure they sell for $6.99 locally. It's a little less "rich" than many other earthworm castings, but it's really nice and clean, and is primarily made from peat sedge, so its PH is a bit lower than other castings. It's also very low in heavy metals due to having no rock dust fed to the worms. I'd like to get started making my own again but space in my tiny house is at a premium and already mostly taken up by this hobby.
It does certain mites help break food down for worm consumption. I have my bin in the room beside one of my grow rooms. I've had that bin about a year and a half no mites have been in tents. They have everything they need inside the worm bin. Letting bin dry some will keep them in check. It's in my wife's craft room that she took from me but worms stayed lol you know how most women are with bugs, she doesn't notice.
I do, that was the reason behind the question....I want one but it's a hard sell :D