easiest organic grow?


Well-Known Member
hey stoners! how does this sound for easy organics? Ocean forest potting soil, perlite, and mother earth's super tea for flowering nutes? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Cool, but pricey, but very good idea simplicity.
Cash is a factor. This is off the top of my head.
EWC. 15.00$
Reused Soil (dumpster dive a Nursery, high perlite content, then go buy something from them) free. Or Cheap but good potting soil. 7.00$per 2q ft.
Box organic nutes (high P) with soil bacteria 7.00$ (Dr. Earth, Sweet Earth, or God forbid Whitney farms)
Dolomite Lime (can be used for many grows in the future) 7.00$
Perlite 5.00$(?) or the big bag (can be used for many grows in the future) 17.00$
pee. (free, unless you want special delivery)
If you want to get fancy Molasses 8.00$ (buy the big bottle of unsulfured blackstrap, can be used...you know). or something sugary without too many chems, free (sugar packets at 7-ll, or wherever sugar packets are given away)
Leaves. Free
Coffee Grounds: Free, ask at strarbuck's, big copanies love to look green.
Use the EWC and ferts to reinvigorate the used potting soil.
Learn to Compost, Get an erthorm bin.
Peace Love and Frugality
I guess it was'nt all that simple, but really compared to grow I got now with multi-ingrent teas and my homemade potting soil, it's pretty easy.