Easy Ryder uk outdoor


Does anyone think easy ryder would grow well outdoors in the uk? I know light will be fine if I start 'em in may, but what about temps at night?

How about lemon?

Super lemon Haze?



Well-Known Member
Well Easy Ryder are resilient but man to be honest if our summer is judging by lasst year there wasnt much of a summer?! temps could hit down low if you know what i mean at night.
i would stick with cheese didnt have a good sumer last year and i had a good yeild. soil I used wos GOLD BLEND SPECIAL MIX in 5 litre buckets with handles worked realy well wos able to follow the sun round the bk garden for rest ov the day best ov luck for this year fingers crossed for a nice uk summer


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt try autos in the uk outdoors mate, they require at least 18 hrs of light a day and the uk aint gonna offer that.


Well-Known Member
I think the Easy ryder was pretty much designed for indoors. Personally if was me, I would do Northern Lights x Big Bud outdoors


thanks for the advice guys. Green finger 1 - yeah I'm planning on growing some blue cheese. How much did you yield per plant?
9 ounces of 1 dry and 8 of the outher dry they were fed terra max all the way through added bloombastic in the last 6 weeks ov flowering then flushed the last ten days