Easyryder Grow Journal


Growing 5 Easyryder, 1 UFO The Church, 1 LA Woman, have been in soil (Miracle Grow Potting Soil) for about a week, all have germinated and are 1cm to 2 inches above ground level, I am watering with a spray bottle, used hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) non diluted (one cap full) to amp up oxygen, right now the plants are inside, in a window designed for growing plants, going to move then into a closet with 400 watt MH after another week or so, dont want to burn them. Pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey man get some pics up and I might sub ya on this, check out my easy ryder ladies doing alright so far for a first grow! ;) (link in sig)


Pics of Current grow setup, the plant in the jiffy pot is a test plant, I have multiple test plants because I'm a Curious noob, so when I have an idea or advice about something that might help my cannabis, I test it on these plants first :blsmoke:, anyway, advice is appreciated, Ideas, whatever, what worked for you what didnt? Will add pics as soon as plants condition changes, prolly a few days.

Thanks for looking.

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9/11 Missing links (watch the video)



Well-Known Member
dude look good but starting to stretch like hell. Want to get them under that 400w MH. Aslong as you can keep it cool and at right temps and a decent distance away from your seedlings you wont burn them. Just a suggestion... :)


Wow, didn't even realize they were stretching, keep checking back man, that helped, Ill get em under the MH right now. I'll post pics of my light, grow room, pots, etc in a few min.


Well-Known Member
Well my first leaves appeared when like half inch above soil. Shorter the better in my opinion. Specially if your tight on room. Like I say just keep the MH a very ncie (quite big gap) distance away to be on the safe side


Ok, thanks to DJLIFELINE, I've moved 4 of my plants into the grow room, under the 400watt MH, the rest are still chilling in the window grow area, I think they might be too small to need the MH and prolly would get burnt, but I could be wrong, so here are some pics of the little plants in question, to go under the MH or not, that's the question, the last pic is of the newly germed seeds, first 3 pics are a grow room overview (closet).https://www.rollitup.org/members/djlifeline-218066.html


Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
djlifeline is right...the plant is stretched to fuck. top the pot up with soil to bury as much stem as possible. Aint got much knowledge aba metal halide...but the rule says if its comfortable for your hand ontop of the leaves, its comfortable for your leaves. after all it is your test plant...leave it in for a few days n see how it goes? as long as the temps arent thru the roof you should be ok :)


Well-Known Member
Damn don't I feel like a know it all now! lol. Like Covert said if its comfortable for your hands then comfortable for your leaves. I would say for seedlings if comfortable for your hand at a distance just raise it another couple inches to be on safe side.. but that just my opinion.. What do I know lol

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
djlifeline its suprising how much knowledge u pick up so quick =P yeah man i presume ure 'test' plant is bagseed? maybe elevate that abit higher than your good seeds...so its closer to the light. n if your test plant stays healthy you can raise all your other plants? or lower your light. if that makes any sense?


Well-Known Member
djlifeline its suprising how much knowledge u pick up so quick =P yeah man i presume ure 'test' plant is bagseed? maybe elevate that abit higher than your good seeds...so its closer to the light. n if your test plant stays healthy you can raise all your other plants? or lower your light. if that makes any sense?
What the fuck else am I supposed to do all day? haha Apart from wank, look after my ladies and spend all my time on here!

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
sounds like a pretty nice day u got planned out...u missed one vital element tho... skinnin up n gettin blazeddd!!!!


"if its comfortable for your hand ontop of the leaves, its comfortable for your leaves" thanks for that advice Covert Ops, I've been looking for a way to judge temp w/o thermometer for awhile now.



Well-Known Member
I would still suggest you get a thermometre dude, I paid £7.99 for a digital thermometer and hygrometre (measures humidity, you need to know it) on ebay with free p&p. Great investment.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeah bt lyk Dj sed...u may wna go a few more inches whilst ther still lil babies, after a few sets of leaves then u can really up the intensity!


Well-Known Member
sounds like a pretty nice day u got planned out...u missed one vital element tho... skinnin up n gettin blazeddd!!!!
Bit difficult with the plants still bushing out. Time going quickly in all fairness. Aslong as get 1oz between my 2 ladies ill be a happy man.


Well-Known Member
yeah bt lyk Dj sed...u may wna go a few more inches whilst ther still lil babies, after a few sets of leaves then u can really up the intensity!
Much like me with the other half, once the juices are flowing then BANG! straight in my son.

p.s. Sorry for semi-hijacking your thread! Maybe we should talk shit on mine I feel rude. haha