eaten alive!


I need some help,I have three sprouts that only have there first serrated leaves along with two round,and their leaves are being aten every night their just on my deck. I need some advice on how to stop this.some sort of spray I'd imagine but have no clue on what type it would be or what is safe for my organic as possible grow.Any help would be much appreciated!


I need some help,I have three sprouts that only have there first serrated leaves along with two round,and their leaves are being aten every night their just on my deck. I need some advice on how to stop this.some sort of spray I'd imagine but have no clue on what type it would be or what is safe for my organic as possible grow.Any help would be much appreciated!
I have had great luck with Bonide Tomato Vegitable and Herb 3 in 1 organic miticide, fungicide, and pesticide. The worst pest I have that always seem to be around are fungus gnats, but they don't eat the leaves as long as I spray and you can use it up until the day of harvest. laphter