Eating weed....

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Assuming you made the butter/whatever correctly, you should start feeling it like ~40 mins later. The time it lasts for also depends on how good the weed was, but I would say several hours.


Well-Known Member
For me it takes about an hour to start to feel it, and an hour and a half to feel the full effects. It lasts somewhere from 3-6 hours normally.

I've accidentally eaten too much of a strong edible and been soaring for a good day or so. Moral of the story: start slow, wait the full time, and eat a little more if you'd like to.


MMMM brownies now I need to go make me a batch..

If you have never eaten THC laced food you are in for a great treat. It's kind of like a mellow trip it takes hour + sometime to hit for me and last for hours.... So make sure you dont have much to that day...
Its a good high that lasts for a few hours but its easy to eat to much and go all day. For your first time or two just take it easy :]

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Just to give you an idea about how hard it can hit you...
My roommate and I made some cookies our senior year of school for 420. We gave a couple to a friend who only smokes occasionally, but didn't ever eat weed before. He eats the cookies, then goes to class. I get a text from him like 30 mins later... "WTF these didn't work." About 30 mins after that I get a second message.... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." He came back after class and didn't move from in front of our TV for several hours.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
How long does it take to kick in... and how long does it last. Lol
you cant just eat weed streight up
it has to be decarbed first, like heating it up
nothing will happen if you just eat an oz of dry bud other then you may choke or even right off the plant
make some butter or some dragon


Well-Known Member
you cant just eat weed streight up
it has to be decarbed first, like heating it up
nothing will happen if you just eat an oz of dry bud other then you may choke or even right off the plant
make some butter or some dragon
No shit? Didn't know that. I actually made some cannabudder tonight! Brownies tomorrow! :twisted: BLITZED!



Well-Known Member
How long does it take to kick in... and how long does it last. Lol
don't know about weed,,but one time me and a buddy threw a quarter of black hash finely broken into a 9 by 5 Snackin Cake(cake in a box that came with the baking tray included)my buddy my girlfriend and myself ate the HoLE thing,,within 2 hours my girlfriend and buddy were out cold,,I crawled my way to the couch and flipped on the TV,,5 hours later another buddy came over and I was slumped on the couch unable to move with the remote in my hand still aimed at the TV watching infomercials,,all stoned,,I asked my buddy,,Can You Change the Channel Plz?


I personally like to use 1 oz to a box of brownies.. The dryer the nug the better (finely chopped). measure out what you need for oil or butter add more as necessary. Cook it at a low tem do not BURN oil, I cook my oil for about an hour strain and press add only oil to the brownie mix...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member

Good look with the edibles. I think they're best eaten when you don't have anything to do the rest of the day. First time I made some firecrackers I ate one waited about 45 minutes and decided to eat the other one then smoke a bowl. I was really high. I even felt it a little in the morning when I woke up. I slept really good though.