EB GEN2 1120 35K build advice


Hi all!

I am hoping you'll be able to give me your 2 cents worth on (yet another!) strip build?

I've been trawling the site and others and feel like I'm getting a clearer picture of it all (at least on paper!) Just looking for some confirmation and any recommendations you may have before I dive in.

The set up is as follows...

Two 1120mmx420mm fixtures each made up of six EB GEN2 1120 35K wired in parallel. Spaced closer to each other on the sides to even out output.

Each fixture powered by a ELG-240-42A.

So driving @ 50%; 39V, 4.2A, 163.8W, 26,680lm

and @ 68%; 39.7V, 5.7A, 226.2W, 39,000lm (these figures roughly extrapolated for max driver current of 5.7A for the ELG-240-42A. The ELG-200-42A is also an option if running @ 57% works? Just eyeballing it maybe 6500lm/sqft, 37W/sqft?)

For each 1120x420mm coverage (around 5sqft) I get...

@50%; 5736lm/sqft, 32.7W/sqft

and @ 68%; 7800lm/sqft, 45W/sqft

I'll stack these fixtures and try different intensities/heights to see how plants respond.

So thats it! Another couple of queries would be;

Cooling? I feel like this'll be a fairly efficient setup so its my understanding that running @50% no cooling will be necessary. Although @68%, possibly. Another forum suggested a thin sheet of aluminium would do the job.

Adding red/far red LEDs? I'm guessing for each fixture 4 Solderless CREE XP-E2 Red LEDs on for 10 minutes at the end of the "day" would suffice? I'm still researching this but I'm guessing that they'd need their own 12V, 2Aish driver? I doubt I'll add these. Just curious as to what the forum thinks about having these as part of the setup.

EB GEN3s or others? A worthy upgrade? Its my first build so even though I want it to work well I'm not looking for the best on the block. The 12 strips come to about $128US, and the 2 drivers around the same so approx $250US+shipping (NZ, so well see!)

Cheers all
TLDR, if you're not on 220-240V AC main then the ELG is not the way to go. You only get 70%is of output from them on 120V. Use HLG,XLG, or the cheapest option LRS.
I like the EB gen2's but seems like I saw some nicer Samsung strips that were also selling for the ~$5/10 the ~2/4ft Bluxs sell for after recent discounting? Someone made a post about it. I think arrow had the strips but not sure about the other details there.
I like the EB gen2's but seems like I saw some nicer Samsung strips that were also selling for the ~$5/10 the ~2/4ft Bluxs sell for after recent discounting? Someone made a post about it. I think arrow had the strips but not sure about the other details there.
Yes these are the strips:

The price has been fluctuating between $29.42 and about $5 per strip.

They are made with LM301A diodes. While they can handle more power than LM561C and LM301B/H diodes, they are also significantly less efficient.
TLDR, if you're not on 220-240V AC main then the ELG is not the way to go. You only get 70%is of output from them on 120V. Use HLG,XLG, or the cheapest option LRS.
oh yeah sorry should have said. We are on 240V in NZ :) Initially was looking into the HLGs but came across slightly cheaper ELGs which seem to work out numbers wise. Same goes for 2x internal dimming pots (albeit on the bottom for ELG). And maybe having to earth driver?
Will check out LRS and XLG...
oh yeah sorry should have said. We are on 240V in NZ :) Initially was looking into the HLGs but came across slightly cheaper ELGs which seem to work out numbers wise. Same goes for 2x internal dimming pots (albeit on the bottom for ELG). And maybe having to earth driver?
Will check out LRS and XLG...
One of the biggest advantages to the LRS: Cheap as dirt, still got a 3 yr warranty and got a dedicated ground terminal.
Does the LRS range have something that outputs around 40V?
According to the report(test report) section on Mean well's website the LRS-350-36 has an adjustable voltage range of 28.60 volts up to 40.97 volts (I estimated an average for 115 VAC and 230 VAC, the ranges have a small difference).

If you're interested in another wattage range, just check the report section for whichever power supply you want to look up.
ok got it. Looks like LRS-200-36 should work. Up to 39.6V adjustable (40.8V tested). So if im at max V tested does that mean rated current drops a little?