Ebb & Flow


Active Member
I am interested in constructing an ebb & flow system that can accommodate at least four plants for a closet grow. I have done a bit of reading about hydroponics and now I'm coming to you guys with a few questions.

1. What tray/reservoir size combination is suitable for four plants?

2. What should I be looking for when I am buying a pump? GPH?

3. What do you like/dislike about ebb & flow?

Feel free to post a picture or two of your system, I'll take all the help I can get. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
if you can find these items. use can use a make shift table and res if u want but for strength at least the table should be manufactured by a known company. gh has a 1x1foot or a 2x2 foot table for flood and drain depending how big you want your plants and how much spacing they will need for the yeild you want and then u can get a rubbermaid container for the res. my 2x4foot table i have an 8.8 gal rubbermaid container and my pump is the small mag drive pump approx 250 gph. go to an aquarium store if your gonna have a smaller res than that to find a smaller pump. not gph but in acutual size to fit in your res. love the simplicity of feeding. no reaching behind or moving plants. setup if you have leaks can be a bitch. just make sure you use elbows pipe clamps and make sure there are no leaks. there are some downsides but once you get the hang of it the speed and simplicity is what its all about