Ec calculator


Spotted this,
Click on the tiny link titled "English" for the non-moon language version.

Tried it with GHE nutes and ended up with 0.5 ec solution, which was spot on.
Does anyone have the other nutrients to try and see if it's accurate?
The only usable thing about this may be to list and compare nutrient line concentration before buying the product. EC pen is superior to measure concentration and if you don't use RO water the tool is even more pointless IMO.

There's better nutrient calculators if you search this forum. Cheers!
One thing I have noted about EC is not all elements respond in a linear fashion. When calculating actual mg/l the numbers are often different from an EC number anyway. An EC number is a good guideline but it's not exact science as different elements respond to a greater or lesser degree when measured by electrical conductivity.