Ecotester ph2 calibration problems


New Member
I've had some problems calibrating my ph meter and in searching forums it seems that others have had the same problem. I thought I would share what I have learned.

A build up of minerals from hard water causes the probe to be so far out of calibration that it will not calibrate. Soak the probe in PH down (acid) and lightly scrub it with a tooth brush. Try again to calibrate it.

If you reset to the factory calibration as per the manufacturers instructions and then see what it says in 7.0 standard that will tell you how far it has wandered off since leaving the factory. If it reads over 8.1 it probably will not calibrate. If you can clean the probe enough to get that down to 8.0 or less it should be within range to calibrate. The build up is making the meter think it's in very high ph solution.