edges of leaves turning yellow and curling up PICS

I have a new problem. The edges of my newer leaves are yellow and curling up. Check out the pic comparison.

This is from yesterday

And this is today

Anybody know what the problem is? I've done some searching and think it might be a zinc defficiency. I wanted to get some expert input before I take any actions though.

I'm growing in a 5 gallon DWC bucket with three gallons of nuted DI water. I have a drip system set up that drips for 15min every 3hrs.

some details as of today:
PH:a little under 6.0

Nutrients: Floragrow, Floramicro, and Florabloom all at full reccomended doses.
Light: 150w Sunsystems HPS on 24hrs a day about 14 inches from the top of the plant

Anybody know what's up with my baby?


I have a new problem. The edges of my newer leaves are yellow and curling up. Check out the pic comparison.

This is from yesterday

And this is today

Anybody know what the problem is? I've done some searching and think it might be a zinc defficiency. I wanted to get some expert input before I take any actions though.

I'm growing in a 5 gallon DWC bucket with three gallons of nuted DI water. I have a drip system set up that drips for 15min every 3hrs.

some details as of today:
PH:a little under 6.0

Nutrients: Floragrow, Floramicro, and Florabloom all at full reccomended doses.
Light: 150w Sunsystems HPS on 24hrs a day about 14 inches from the top of the plant

Anybody know what's up with my baby?

Too much nutes. Start with 1/4 and work up to full in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
Nute manufaturers tend to overstate requirements on their bottle leading to noob over nuting. I would change your res. to ph balanced water with no nutes for a day or 2 then start again at about 200ppm adding an extra 100ppm each time if your plant allows.
Cool. thanks for the quick responses guys. I replaced the water with 3 gallons of ph:6 adjusted tap water and one gallon worth of nutes. My car is in the shop so I couldn't get a hold of DI water.