Educate the dinosaur on Matt Riot

Charles U Farley

Well-Known Member
I'm doing research on people using NL Seattle Greg to sell their seeds and have absolutely no idea who Matt Riot is, other than watching that podcast he did with, I gotta shorten this, NLSG.

I'm well versed in the use of Google and the search function here on RIU but I'm ass deep researching Authentic Genetics and just need some opinions to get a general feel if this guy's a dirtbag using somebody else's hard work to make money or they're really somebody legitimate and people are just pissed off at them because the seeds didn't grow as perfect in their environment as they did back in the 80s.

And who or what is nSpecta?

I just don't have the fucking time to research all of this, I've got a real life and situations like this are why I haven't participated in any type of online forum in than 20 years.

Facts matter.
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Is it an individual, industrial producer or corporate entity? If it's a person, what's their name?
I'm doing research on people using NL Seattle Greg to sell their seeds and have absolutely no idea who Matt Riot is, other than watching that podcast he did with, I gotta shorten this, NLSG.

I'm well versed in the use of Google and the search function here on RIU but I'm ass deep researching Authentic Genetics and just need some opinions to get a general feel if this guy's a dirtbag using somebody else's hard work to make money or they're really somebody legitimate and people are just pissed off at them because the seeds didn't grow as perfect in their environment as they did back in the 80s.

And who or what is nSpecta?

I just don't have the fucking time to research all of this, I've got a real life and situations like this are why I haven't participated in any type of online forum in than 20 years.

Facts matter.
Dudes got a lot of haters but I really enjoy his podcast cannabis breeding.
Matt Riot, the quick witted, jive talking on-air cannabis personality knows quite a bit about the fun flower, although he's an even better capitalist with a knack for getting as much money as he can from his customers.

I don't know anything about him from other people online. As far as the podcast, I only know of it from AK Bean Brains creator, he linked me in a private email, Matt was the host and doing an interview on Kerrel Keyes or whoever the SSSC owner is. An interview with a senile old man and Matt's shifty, squeaky little voice trying to get the guy to remember anything. I yawned and turned it off, how Riot sounds even annoys me.

My experiences with him go way back. I'm a New York and moved out to San Diego in 2012, with my motorcycle on a small trailer, hauling what little I owned in my rusty jeep wrangler. Part of the reason I moved was due to the med laws in Cally, which I eventually found out were a complete joke and an 'agreement' to accept a defense (a legal term) as it later became obvious that's all they were giving you when you bought a med licensee from a 'doctor'. A fucking court date. Yup. Crooked ass place.

So when I was living in Imperial Beach, after my stay in Oceanside, I had amassed a large collection of clones, which I turned into mother plants, and sold the clones in trays, etc. A lot of the people I met and did business with were on Craigslist. I think that's where I found Matt's info, perhaps linking me to his website. I recognized he lived in Temecula, not far from where I lived.

He had a whole thing about how he found this holy grail plant that he called 'Clockwork Orange', and that it was a monster mutant from a colchicine project.

I sent him an email and began to correspond with him. He first said it wasn't for sale. Then he said he'd sell a clone for 300$ or something ridiculous. I groaned and got ready to pay. We may have even spoken on the phone. Suddenly he was gone. Then he came back at me and said it wouldn't be worth it and someone said he shouldn't sell a cut for less than $800.

I suddenly realized I was getting played. He just wanted me to get my hopes up to see how much he could get. I've had people try shit like that and I don't forget it. And I'm not Jesus. I don't forgive it.

The other thing is, I know a lot of people who got busted out there, including myself. Matt had a hefty operation, how did he not? I've learned some other thing about him. He hoards elite cuts and makes garbage f2s with catchy gimmick names and sells them like they're IBLs.

But hey... maybe he's changed. But I'm not and wont be. Fuck Riot to the end of time...

***There's your story Charley****
I'm sure glad I don't follow the cannabis soap opera. I don't know who any of these people are and I don't care.

For every one of these so called cannabis celebrities and their podcasts/youtube channels there's two or three doing even better things that are in the shadows.
What is the connection to Matt Riot, who's making the money here, Matt Riot or CSI?

Thanks for your response.
Seems like they split the seeds up and each have them for sale on their websites. Caleb said that he did an open pollination with the seeds from Greg. Then he planted 500 of them and starting picking out expressions that he found interesting to work further. I’m pretty sure once he has isolated the expressions he likes he will them self pollinate them. He has said that he found some that were extremely bubblegum leaning. As well as finding super dank and skunk afghan leaners. He said there was plenty of junk in there too.
Matt Riot, the quick witted, jive talking on-air cannabis personality knows quite a bit about the fun flower, although he's an even better capitalist with a knack for getting as much money as he can from his customers.

I don't know anything about him from other people online. As far as the podcast, I only know of it from AK Bean Brains creator, he linked me in a private email, Matt was the host and doing an interview on Kerrel Keyes or whoever the SSSC owner is. An interview with a senile old man and Matt's shifty, squeaky little voice trying to get the guy to remember anything. I yawned and turned it off, how Riot sounds even annoys me.

My experiences with him go way back. I'm a New York and moved out to San Diego in 2012, with my motorcycle on a small trailer, hauling what little I owned in my rusty jeep wrangler. Part of the reason I moved was due to the med laws in Cally, which I eventually found out were a complete joke and an 'agreement' to accept a defense (a legal term) as it later became obvious that's all they were giving you when you bought a med licensee from a 'doctor'. A fucking court date. Yup. Crooked ass place.

So when I was living in Imperial Beach, after my stay in Oceanside, I had amassed a large collection of clones, which I turned into mother plants, and sold the clones in trays, etc. A lot of the people I met and did business with were on Craigslist. I think that's where I found Matt's info, perhaps linking me to his website. I recognized he lived in Temecula, not far from where I lived.

He had a whole thing about how he found this holy grail plant that he called 'Clockwork Orange', and that it was a monster mutant from a colchicine project.

I sent him an email and began to correspond with him. He first said it wasn't for sale. Then he said he'd sell a clone for 300$ or something ridiculous. I groaned and got ready to pay. We may have even spoken on the phone. Suddenly he was gone. Then he came back at me and said it wouldn't be worth it and someone said he shouldn't sell a cut for less than $800.

I suddenly realized I was getting played. He just wanted me to get my hopes up to see how much he could get. I've had people try shit like that and I don't forget it. And I'm not Jesus. I don't forgive it.

The other thing is, I know a lot of people who got busted out there, including myself. Matt had a hefty operation, how did he not? I've learned some other thing about him. He hoards elite cuts and makes garbage f2s with catchy gimmick names and sells them like they're IBLs.

But hey... maybe he's changed. But I'm not and wont be. Fuck Riot to the end of time...

***There's your story Charley****

Can you expand on the issue with the med 'license' (recommendation?)? I remember the process being a joke ('oh, you have IBS? here, go buy an eighth and smoke a fatty'), but nothing to do with the courts.

I'm always amazed when people move to San Diego... so damn expensive, and too many people now.
Individual up in humboldt. He has a small team that works for him. The company name is humboldt csi

Humboldt more like Scumboldt. When someone from Norcal releases a pure Skunk scented strain that stinks louder then mine, 'll buy it and suck their dick for a week straight. Until then fuck all those guys with their shitty polymiddies. Don't meet your heros if you like any of those dumb shits. None of them know a thing about plants except how to "hit a lick" and spray pesticides on their diseases crops. They might steal the tires off your car while your asleep and call your a custie for getting jacked. Watch Murder Mountain if you wanna see what Humboldt is truly like. A bunch of white boy posers making up stories to hide the fact they're all fucking moronic career thieves.
Can you expand on the issue with the med 'license' (recommendation?)? I remember the process being a joke ('oh, you have IBS? here, go buy an eighth and smoke a fatty'), but nothing to do with the courts.

I'm always amazed when people move to San Diego... so damn expensive, and too many people now.

The deal back then, when the law changed, for 'med patients' is you go to a phony doctor for a certificate. It allowed you to grow 12 plants, and 12 extra for each patient you were a caregiver for, which a lot of people used to get around the 'rules'. If you paid $100 extra you were given a supplemental document that allowed you to grow 99+ plants. I paid for that. Again, these documents were merely a 'defense'. I'll get to that soon.

I went to Dr 'G' (For the heck of me I cant remember her last name, but she was a hack Russian doctor with a thick accent (I know - my ex wife is Russian) She handed me the rec certificate with the shake of a hand. I learned more about what was going on and a lot of it seemed contradictory, between the state/fed laws and the new med laws. If I had known law like I do now, I would have understood that it was a government sponsored trap. They were setting you up with a 'defense'. That was all they were promising. Not that they, or anyone would defend you, other than a lawyer, which you had to pay for, along with whatever time you got for growing with bogus government certificates. They said it right up front and so many of us didn't understand what that meant. Literally - we're not saying its legal to grow, we're just giving you a defense, an angle to use in court!! Amazing. I cant believe I fell in with that whatever percent of idiots. I was optimistic and gung-ho support rights for medical patients and they got me.

I'm not going to go into my arrest details, but basically my business partner, who i had recently parted ways with was growing a sizeable op in a 2 car garage in the boonies out past El Cajon to supply dispensaries. I had all the clones. 150+ strains/ bonsai plants. I had moved up to San Pedro, with my plants, and he was going to move up and we were going to grow in a warehouse, if all went right. But I had basically split from him, he didn't even have the med license and I was getting into tax law/rules to try and see if we could do it all legit. I came back to clean my old apartment and slept on his couch and woke up to DEA with ak-47s in my face.

After I got out of the pen, I bailed in a day, I got rid of my plants, and I went back to Doctor G to try and get any info I could to help support me in my legal defense. I asked for records.

"'What Wecads! What Weckads!??" she kept asking/yelling at me.

Looking out her office door I saw all these somber faces sitting in chair, lined up to take it in the backside. I knew then I was fucked.

I'm not going to explain how I did it or what I did but I got out of almost all of it. I eventually also, paid, to wipe my record.

So yeah, Calli people, what's it like now? The latest hustle? Hah.