Edux10's WidowCindy Grow


Well-Known Member
Whats up everybody. I am starting this new grow today. I will be growing out some seeds that I found. They are WidowCindy seeds (white widow X Cindy99) I am expection great results. I am taking it step by step and may take it in a couple different directions. Maybe soil, Maybe aero, maybe HPS or I was thinking about flowering with floros. I have all the equipment and all so I expect it to go smoothly! I am trying to find a father to collect pollen from too since I usually just use all clones I havent had a chance to breed yet. I am thinking about maybe crossing it with a Bubba Kush, Banana OG or 818 Kush depending on the characteristics of the father so we will see. Ok everybody.... Here we go. Feel free to post whatever you like!


Well-Known Member
These seeds looks great!! They look about ready to explode open already and they are not even wet yet. I got 15 of them and threw them all in a wet paper towel.
I used ph drinking water to wet the towel. Not RO system yet! Sucks going to the store every day to get water. Soon enough I will have it though. This water was pHed to 6.

Seeds in towel.

There we go. Let us see what will happen.


Well-Known Member
By day 2 a couple of them started to crack and show their little tails. Nice. I hate when seeds take days and days to crack. You can kind of seen in this pic but it was hard to capture it. The tails are coming out by were the toothpic is.



Well-Known Member
So when I woke up this morning I was thinking about it an it would probably be better for me to just germinate 5 seeds for now and save the rest. out of the 5 I could find a good mom and a good dad and then take clones off my mom to put in my aero tray and flower my father to get the pollen that I want. Well I go to the cupboard to get the seeds and I see this:

Well I guess I a germination them all now. I am going to keep the fastest ones and I think I am going to give 5 away to an outdoor grower so we will be able to see how they preform outdoor aswell. I will keep u all posted on that too.

So I take the seeds, All but one had a nice strong tail, and put them in the Jiffy Pellets or whatever you want to call them. Doing well indeed!!


Well-Known Member
sounds good how many seeds are you starting? ill be watching:joint:
Yeah there are 15 seeds. I shouldn't have started them all because after thinking about it it is probably unreasonable to think that I will have that many mothers. I was just excited when I found the seeds. But like I said it is all good cuz I will put some outdoor too so we can see how that works out. I already have a dozen other mothers that I take cuttings from regularly.

Thanks a lot for stopping by man. I will be sure to keep everyone interested and keep this grow alive for some time.


Well-Known Member
You will find a mother in those,
and find more magic beans later,
I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
You need to buy pure RO from the store.

Please stop using that drinking water.

Read the label carefully.

It has calcium chloride added to it.

The calcium will kill the plant.

You need distilled, or Pure RO.



Well-Known Member
You need to buy pure RO from the store.

Please stop using that drinking water.

Read the label carefully.

It has calcium chloride added to it.

The calcium will kill the plant.

You need distilled, or Pure RO.

Yeah, Im sorry that is actually an old picture. I will strictly use distilled water from here on out. Thanks for stopping by Earl!


Well-Known Member
Wow these things are fast! One has already sprouted out of the peat moss. Another is just about out of it. That was after about 12 hours. I will have the official day 4 update in a minute


Well-Known Member
*Note* I have given 4 of these seeds to a good friend to put outdoor. I will be able to see these whenever so I will get pictures of these outdoor ones too.


Well-Known Member
You should have him grow them indoor for a couple of weeks.

Then put some seven dust around them
when you plant them outdoors,
so the bugs don't get them to soon.


Well-Known Member
You should have him grow them indoor for a couple of weeks.

Then put some seven dust around them
when you plant them outdoors,
so the bugs don't get them to soon.
Ok, I will see, I know that they bring them inside at night and all. I just think that managing all 15 seeds by myself right now would be hard becuase I also have some other mothers going right now. Out of the ones that cracked they are growing like weeds already so I know I can get those keeper moms. I will run it by them and let you know what they say.


Well-Known Member
Hey Earl, I know you have some pictures of the finished product. You think you could post them here so everyone knows what to expect. Or are we jumping the gun??


Well-Known Member
You are the first to grow the WC.

No one has completed a WC grow.

One grower tried to use tapwater,
and the plants died.

I have mailed a lot of these seeds out,
but everyone has been a newb I guess,
'cause no one has done a good job yet.

many promises



Well-Known Member
You are the first to grow the WC.

No one has completed a WC grow.

One grower tried to use tapwater,
and the plants died.

I have mailed a lot of these seeds out,
but everyone has been a newb I guess,
'cause no one has done a good job yet.

many promises

Sorry, I am somewhat of a newbe too but I will give it by best shot!! I got a lot of good equipment (I know I need to get RO!!! :mrgreen:) but like I said WE can take this in many different directions. Give me feedback. My main light is a 600watt HPS. I have a Hut is 4x4. I just got an aerojet system and I am getting the hang of that right now. (Im sure you can help me out a lot with that Earl) I also have other lights I can use too. I am limited by space but that is ok. I also have CO2 and may give that a whirl when flowering. Like I said we will see. I have actually grown Widow before and it is one of my faves to grow. Im getting excited! One of the seeds is showing great vigor and speed already. In 12 hours it has grown quite a bit. I have pics. Ill show you.


Well-Known Member
edux youre getting me seem to have a couple of options which im sure will lead to an interesting grow. i cant wait to see some progress.:mrgreen:

Earl, it seems that you might have a greenthumb and i hope to learn some things along the way from both you and edux.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a lot of ideas in my head right now. I have been doing research on the Cindy 99 and it looks like it will prefrom well. It gets big and finishes fast it looks. I know I may be getting way ahead of myself but I want to find a good daddy, so you guys will get to see that and maybe we can all pick something good to breed it with. I have Bubba Kush, 818 Kush, Snowcap, Babney Blueberry, Voodoo, Grandaddy Purp and Pure Kush, Banana OG and an experment I call Dojha. I am a fan of Kush but I don't know if crossing it would ruin it but it seems like good genes crossed with good genes equal new good genes most of the time, I know there are exceptions. Maybe the WidowCindy would add much needed speed and yeild to the Pure Kush. Wonder what a WidowCindy crossed with Banana OG or Blueberry would taste? I bet a GDP cross would yeild nicely and be purple. My Voodoo (actually my girls Voodoo) grows crazy fast. Maybe cross and get something that flowers in 40 days! I don't know just got me thinking, we have a while to wait either way. And then inbreed it and test those and so on! I promise to put it all up here, it will be a blast!