Effing VA. politicians are garbage


Well-Known Member
I just read today that the new legalization bill that they're pushing gives all sales to the big five dispos until 2030. So for the next five years we're all supposed to just do nothing. What kind of Wall Street corrupt f****** s*** is this man? I really hate corporate marijuana. And I ask each and everyone of you to shoot down corporate marijuana in every way that you can. F*** the politicians. I know now that I have to get the f*** out of here. I wasted my life with activism in this state only to find out that these people here are just f****** morons.
And the black market? No sir...I see no elephant in the room. These fucking people are funneling all profits to 5 out of state companies while arresting and busting Virginians, while the smugglers laugh their asses off and flood the state with out of state pot. VA. hemorrhages money and the pot economy doesn't help Virginians at all. Our market is Delta-8 and Dispo weed and Dispo products that are fucking terrible and expensive. The best thing in the state is the concentrates and full spectrum extracts from gleaf. But they are very expensive and I could taste the harsh bite of chemicals of over fertilized pot in every single thing they had. In other words it will never be the diggity dank. Where did all the good pot go? A lot of people ask that these days. We don't ever see the best organic from California here. That will all change of course. They're never going to let us real grow here unless you go underground as a criminal. So I expect when retail does open up our shelves will be filled with pot from California. I've said that for years and I've written that to the newspaper. And they just published me and I wrote stuff they did not publish that talked about that. Our governor is a buffoon who is totally wrecking Virginia's pot economy. I think he must be working for John Boehner. In some Republican conglomerate of marijuana investors that seeks to eliminate all small farmers and real cannabis culture.
The population these days are seen as a cash cow ( consumers) for big business, they arent going to let the cash cow become the competition .
(Dont buy their products !( boycot)) There will always be a black market until theres a level playing field for all.
I read that over time consumers in California have become more educated about what is truly the best pot. But I see nothing in Va. but boof from a sea of noob growers.We all know nothing has changed and legalization isn't real here. Illegal growing is your only option here. Where the fuck are Va's Tom Hill's? They don't exist. Ground into dust by the flesh eating pig machine. They can't accept making citizens out of people they have hated and persecuted over a plant.
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I was literally forced out of the country , Caroline County, by open police harassment in the form of false arrests and more. Their top detective told me he wanted me to leave. Fuck VA.