Eight Fingered Leaves


Hey guys, just wanted to see if anyones come across this before? I find it very interesting, i have two plants, both showing two eight fingered leaves.
They follow the progression of 1,3,5,7,8,9. On one plant and 1,3,5,7,8,7. On the other plant. Ones a sativa, the other an indica, its baffling to me that two seperate seeds, two seperate strains would both grow 8 fingered leaves at the same time???
I dont think this means anything, although its also my first grow so yea...

Check it out14179215634691115186941.jpg1417921611818-339519635.jpg 1417921656501-1057163040.jpg

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Lol bro. Don mean nuffin except a healthy plant. More fingers the better. Had a bagseed that put out 13 fingered leaves. Had sole saved and pressed in a book but lost it when i moved grow rooms. Sad cause that book had alot of my research in it..
Keep up the good work.
Sir KK