Electric Stimulation and Aeroponics.


I was reading that I could get better crop size and growth through the use of Electric Stimulation. I believe the thread was here, at this forum, but linked me to a few others where it was also listed. Call me lazy, but I only wanted to sign up for one forum, and that was here.

So... I read about stripping down the solar garden lights to get the Photovoltaic Cells out and take the leads and put them in the soil around the plant of choice and it would stimulate them. Well, I was considering trying to modify this practice for use in Aeroponics.

My first thought was to use some sort of conductive medium on the top of the tub, some sort of liquid or gel or netting to make contact with the root system and then have the wires touching that. I figured due to the aeroponics having no soil, the strength was going to need to be dialed way down, so I was planning on throwing some tape over 90% of the PV Cell to start. I read a few places about just plugging the wires into the stem, and I think this would be a viable solution at a very very low power. I have read a few posts where people did this and it burned out their plants, but maybe moderation is the way to go. I think my first experiment will be covering 90% of the cell like i mentioned, and touching the wires to the stem on the top of the tub. I will do this for exactly 2hours, then see how it progresses over the next 12 hours, then do another 2hr "shock therapy" session. I figure if it works i can progressively leave it on longer, and once it can sustain 24/hr connection, start slowly exposing more of the PV cell until i find out just how much it can take and not burn out.

Your thoughts on this process? Has anyone done this before?
I am currently drafting plans to grow tomatoes in long aeroponic troughs, and instead of buying the things premade, I was thinking of constructing them myself out of wood or a cheap metal, and covering the inside with a waterproof lining, or some sort of spray coating. Any suggestions on materials to stay away from or look into from you experienced growers?

I came to this forum because I find that people growing the MJ are a highly DIY community and always on the edge of the newest concepts, due to the individualization of each project and need for secrecy and low cost.