electrical problems...


Active Member
Wondering if anyone has had something similar happen and what could be the problem...

I have 3 600w cooltubes w/ 3 digital ballasts..all the same brands and models

I was using 2 of the ballasts on 1 surge protector...

Last night I swapped 1 of the ballasts for 1 that wasn't being used. I'm currently only running 2 lights.

A hour later I go back and the lights are off, the surge protector is DONE, broken..

Swap with another, same brand..and the same thing happens within the hour..the 2 started up, but somehow blew the surge protectors.

I never had this problem with the previous 2 ballasts on 1 surge protector I was using...only when adding the 'non-used' ballast that I just added seemed to cause it to break

any ideas??


Active Member
Digital ballasts, even the most expensive are likely to send rf interference and other noise back through the power line. I build controllers using intermatic and GE digital in-wall-type timers and SSR power relays -digital ballasts frequently cause problems with these digital circuits. Timers reset and turn off for no reason, time delays malfunction, timers lose their programming. Tri-meters, CO2 controllers & other electronics are also prone to major malfunction when close to or on the same breaker panel as digital ballasts. You might experience trouble with wireless internet, satellite and cable TV too!
NONE of the digital HID ballasts on the horticulture market (at least that I have found) have UL or FCC approval -most do have CE approval but that is a self-inspection type of approval where the manufacturer says they are in compliance & stamps the CE logo on their product with no third party certification. Some of the real cheap Chinese made digital ballasts (welthink, daystar & other no-name's) have even burnt up (with smoke and flames).

Buying even the latest and greatest digital ballast from a reputable manufacturer is a crap-shoot! Buying a digital ballast now is like buying a computer with a beta version of windows Vista! Don't do it. Check your bulb warranty too -there is only one manufacturer, Sunpulse, that even certifies their bulbs will work with digital ballasts, then only a few -Next, Lumatek & some other over-priced brand. Most other manufacturers will not honor their warranty if used with a digital ballast.
I'm working on finding some sort of inexpensive solution to this problem as so many people insist on using digital ballasts because they are convinced that they are better. With the right programming of the microcontroller (yes, digital ballasts have programming), the right isolation circuitry to prevent them from creating interference, quality power components and, most importantly quality engineering, digital ballasts have a huge potential for horticulture applications. Until the time that somebody builds a digital ballast with protection against creating noise and surges on your powerline, provides a means to reprogram the microcontroller by means of a flash card or USB and gets certification from major bulb manufacturers, DO NOT BY A DIGITAL BALLAST! The powerline protection is an obvious necessity but the ability to update the software is equally as important. In a high quality digital ballast the microcontroller chip can control everything down to the milliamp & microsecond (if you really want to read about the chip go to atmel.com & search for HID controller). The digital ballast has the potential for precision control unheard of until now but, like anything, you don't want to pay top-dollar to be a test market & that is where the evolution is -in beta testing.
All this aside, I think engineering skill and labor could be better spent designing plasma light emitters. I'll post more information at another time -Plasma will be the growlight of the near future & has way more potential than current LED technology or any digital HID ballast.
Dan Weddle -:arrow: DX Hydro dweddle@dxsoundco.com www.dxsoundco.com


Well-Known Member
I prefer to stick to a magnetic ballast - just a huge inductance, nothing really to go wrong. And from a reputable European or American manufacturer, of course. Mine is from the Finnish company Helvar, Europe´s largest maker of ballasts - built like a tank and weighs an absolute ton.
Just make sure you switch it through a hefty contactor - Maplin do a 30A single pole relay and base for not much cash.


Active Member
It looks like some of the manufacturers have listened to their customer's complaints about the noise created by their digital ballasts. One in particular, Lumatec has answered the call & produced a ballast that will not interfere with most digital electronics in and around the grow room.
On another note- There are a couple timers that have better immunity from EMI & RF interference caused by these not-so-well-made digital ballasts: Woods/Coleman Cable digital in-wall timer (Only the model with the exposed on/off button in the center of the cover- the other model with no button is JUNK/Jasco); Lowe's sells the same timer under their Utilitech brand -has the on/off button in the center; also, from what I understand the Honeywell/Aube brand TI033 works well although I have never used it because it looks identical to the Jasco/GE 7 day in-wall timer which is a complete POS.
Repeat: The GE/Jasco brand 7-day in-wall digital timer is a POS, don't use around any digital ballast, HID or CFL. When I called the manufacturer I was told to try a different brand -So I did! And, being the advice direct from the manufacturer, that's what I recommend to anybody in the market for an in-wall timer for any application.
Old thread -don't know if anybody will ever read it...
Check out the DXHYDRO grow light controllers if you are looking for a custom made unit -Priced usually less than the assembly-line made units and built to your specifications, for your garden.


Well-Known Member
Look at the wattage limits of the surge protector. What else is on the surge protector besides lights, if anything? I doubt that the protector is rated for much more than two lights, if that. Certainly not 3.


Active Member
I see the RAT at dxhydro is here. I have an email where he is threatening to contact the DEA, what a POS. Who would even do such a thing. Be very leery dealing with DXHydro.


Active Member
I see the RAT at dxhydro is here. I have an email where he is threatening to contact the DEA, what a POS. Who would even do such a thing. Be very leery dealing with DXHydro.
For anybody who's interested, I've posted the email in question on my website
Also check out the voicemails and emails DB and his "roommate" have sent.

The whole story with all emails & some of his messages are right there.
You might want to think twice about dealing with a compulsive LIAR (NoNuts Canada) -Threatening to contact the DEA? Just read for yourselves -Don't be swayed by this nonsense.

MODS: I'm sorry to post bad vibes here but this creep called me a rat in a public forum & has been calling my office leaving VM's and sending emails for weeks now.