Electrical Question


Active Member
Due to the placement of electrical outlets near where I'm going to grow, I'm going to have to run 2 extension cords to the closet from 2 different outlets and use that to power my light, fans, etc. However unless I can find HPS lighting systems in this country, I'll probably be stuck with using a lot of cfl bulbs. 16 30 watt bulbs for the flowering chamber, and 10 30 watt bulbs for vegging chamber. These will all be connected to those extension cords which will be plugged into to 2 sockets. My question is will this be safe without overloading the circuits.

Also would it be cheaper to get fewer higher wattage bulbs?


Well-Known Member
You forgot to mention how big is the breaker 15amp 20amp.get the bigger bulbs,and heavy duty extension cords,and insurance on the dwelling.


Active Member
Due to the placement of electrical outlets near where I'm going to grow, I'm going to have to run 2 extension cords to the closet from 2 different outlets and use that to power my light, fans, etc. However unless I can find HPS lighting systems in this country, I'll probably be stuck with using a lot of cfl bulbs. 16 30 watt bulbs for the flowering chamber, and 10 30 watt bulbs for vegging chamber. These will all be connected to those extension cords which will be plugged into to 2 sockets. My question is will this be safe without overloading the circuits.

Also would it be cheaper to get fewer higher wattage bulbs?
Are they dedicated circuits or do you have other stuff running on them? If they are at least 15amp circuits and fairly empty I would think you'd be OK. A standard cheapy power strip is rated at 15amps and 1800+ watts.

That being said, it's your ass on the line not mine. Take electrical advise with a grain of salt. Run the lights on a day you are home the whole time and check your extension cords to make sure they aren't getting hot. If you are still uncomfortable about it they make devices that tell you how much juice is flowing from an outlet.


Active Member
I haven't checked the breaker amperage yet because it's night time and I don't want to wander around my house until I find the right box with the room on it. I'm serious, there's like three boxes with the breakers, and ones outside in the maids area, but if its any help its 240v so that could have some affect on what amperage they'd be. I really haven't had much chance to check anything really because I just moved in here but I'll have to be careful of the AC units and make sure they're on their dedicated circuits.

I don't want to skimp on the quality of this at all and will try to set the plants schedules to ones where I'd be around in case something happens.

What kind of amperage do you think 15 or so of those bulbs will pull?

Also, if I'm using 40watt bulbs I'm going to use 3 per flowering plant to bring that total to 12 bulbs on that circuit. And for the vegging plants do you think 2 30 watt bulbs per plant would be fine or should I go with 2 40 watters per plant.
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Well-Known Member
If they are on their own circuit you'll be fine.I'm an electrician, if you need any help let me know.


Well-Known Member
if you want to find out how much current the lights will draw divide the voltage by the resistance.


Well-Known Member
both can work alot of bulbs have their current rating written on the bulb/box already, and with cfls there is very low start up spike. as always be carefull with electrical advice, ive seen alot of stupid ansewrs on this site. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Toronto, Local 353