Electrical/Reflector Question - Safe?


Active Member
Hey guys,
I'm building a piece to hold the lights for my cab grow, and I was wondering if this is safe (see pictures). The lights are in one of these:
It's bolted to a piece of plywood and I put zip ties to make sure it's secured. I wrapped the entire unit with the emergency blanket stuff, and am now cutting round holes around the sockets, then using duct tape and electrical tape around the round metal casings of the bathroom light so that the emergency blanket material doesn't come in contact with the socket itself.
Is this safe? I don't want to come home to my house being burned to the ground.
Thanks in advance for any input on this!

ps: sorry about the crappy picture quality, my camera sucks.

On a side note, I plan to add "flaps" to the unit once I'm done to actually reflect more light, I just figured this would be better than the glossy white finish of the light fixture and plain wood.

