Electricity help, urgent!!!


Active Member
OK WELL, we have our children in an unattached garage, and my roommate just told me he went out there to find that all of the lights are off and nothing will turn back on. He is flipped the breaker a couple of times because that usually does it but nothing. He says our tv is on the same circuit whenever he turns the circuit off, but the outlet by the TV and the TV itself still works, just nothing in the garage.

no clue what to do anyone know where i can find a 420 friendly electrician in northern cali?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
They will have to discharge before they come back on. It could take up to 20 min.
Just unplug the ballasts and wait few min. before plugging back in.
420 friendly in 209


Active Member
well there are 2 600w lights, a large blower fan, and an air circulating fan in the flowering room, and we have a 250w sodium and a 250w metal halide in our veg room. all of the bulbs and lights are practically new except the 250 metal halide which is god knows how old and shitty, been working solidly for 2 weeks or so, just ordered a new bulb for it last week, could the ballast or bulb have shorted anything? dont think i blew all the bulbs however that works?


Well-Known Member
If nothing will come on in the garage...It sounds like you have a short between the breaker and the garage...can't help with the electrician,as I'm 3000 miles away...sorry.....If you have any experience with wiring you can turn off the breaker and trace the wire, looking for a burnt or melted area,and just cut and splice it back together....this would be an option to look at before calling an electrician......

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Flip that breaker some more!!
Check the wall outlets for a reset button!!
Grab extension cords and plug some lights in somewhere!!!


Active Member
I think SureShot has a point. Most outdoor receptacles are on a Ground-Fault Interupt (GFI) circuit. One of the receptacles will have a reset button on it. Check that before you go looking for a bad connection.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well I doubt all the receptacles stoped working at the same time whats the chance of that happening????? unless you HAVE A SHORT.........


Well-Known Member
2 x 600 = 1200 + 250 = 1450 + 250 = 1700 + fan + fan + tv + ballast losses of ~300 I'm counting over 2k watts with the tv off if all those lights are ever on at the same time even for a second. Not counting startup surge.

On one circuit?

That will easily fry the wire, and yea, you need a 420 friendly electrician you can actually trust because that is just a bit too much there. If this is true, no suprise if the wire is burnt clean in half.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a short. Are there any fuses at all? If so, check them. sounds like a short. too much draw on that one circuit homie.


Well-Known Member
nah man - the ground fault receptacles have a test/reset button that breaks the circuit the same way the circuit breaker does...


Well-Known Member
the OP hasnt come back to say that it is not the problem... if the GCFI gets tripped, the whole circuit goes off, not just that outlet...

its not as off the wall as making waffles, thats all i was saying... its all good, he probably fixed it if he's not back by now ;-)


Well-Known Member
Flip that breaker some more!!
Check the wall outlets for a reset button!!
Grab extension cords and plug some lights in somewhere!!!
serious;y, i found a G.F.I plug underneath the crawl space of my house, when he was building he set it up under there so he could use his power tools, the little switch kicked and i had NO IDEA! good luck man


New Member
If you haven't at least plugged the lamps into another circuit to narrow it down a little bit.... shit! Have you tried the lamps on a different circuit?

You can get any cheapo multimeter and test for voltage at multiple points along the circuit to narrow it down. There's only so many things that can fuck up, dig?


Well-Known Member
each outlet has a [gfi] with a reset button,.....If one outlet throws the reset It dosen't afect the rest of them.....unless it was wired by a shade tree electrician......the [gfi] is for each outlet .....it does not kill the entire circuit..............


Well-Known Member
i've lived in 3 houses where that happens... if i got trip the one in my bathroom right now, the hall lights go out and my office loses power... maybe its not supposed to work like that - but my crib does...



Well-Known Member
Yep same shit happens in my kitchen(newer home, built with in 4 years now). I have GFI's on all the plug in the kitchen. If one trips it takes all of them out. I know this happens cause it seems like everytime I plug my toaster in it trips them. My phone goes out cause the plug I have it pluged into is one of those GFI plugs too. When I resset the tripped GFI(caused by the toater) I can here the answering machine saying something about setting the date and time.