Elite Genetics - Lemon Larry OG Kush- 2nd grow.

This is my 2nd grow ever. My first was from some mid seeds, just fcking around and got pretty far with it lol. This grow i bought 5 seeds from Elite Genetics. I recieved a free extra one too. Awesome :mrgreen:. My set up:

Lights: 6 42watt CFL's. Will prolly add 2 more 42's soon.

: Useing MG(yes i know i know). Mixed with MG perlite.

I have a fan running in my closet to keep them cool and strengthen the stems. Im not worried much about heat problems as i keep the door to my closet open when i have the lights on.

I put 3 of the seeds in Germ process last night before bed. They should be ready by tomorrow from the looks of them.

I know the rules say dont post on journals unless asked, so feel free to post whtever you want here. I will keep you all updated, will post pictures of the room once they are planted.