emerald city skunk cfls organic first grow

hey all long time learner first time grower heres my little girl i gt a dying clone from a buddy for free, but then i revived it it had a bad case of heat stress and fertilizer burn but after a long time treating her i got her lookin healthy i cant say for sure how old she is but heres a lookvia youtube if thats cool???

organic soil purchased from home depot and some perlite natural stream water from a well 3 100 watt cfls one fan74 degree temp strain skunk i made my first attempt at cloning her about a week and a half ago the clippings are still green and a live but i have not noticed any roots i used a powder based rooting hormone i didnt use a four inch clipping im scared of mutalating my plant i have pinched off a few fan leave to save some energy wondering if shes to young to top or lst any advice would be welcome thanks againhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U33-vy2TUVg