Emergency Flowering Question!


Active Member
can i get them to finish flowering sooner rather than later? as of right now im not concerned with yield or anything, i just want to speed it up. i havent began yet, but i intend to within the next few days. I suck with termanology lol im a visual learner ;-) but yeah, my plants are like a foot n 3 inches tall... they have about 12 leaves total, plus a lot of new growth coming from the lower leaves... pretty much... are they mature enough, and can i speed it up at all?


Elite Rolling Society
You can speed it up, but it is not wise.
Yield is one thing and Potency is another!
What's the point of growing pot that you are not very proud of?
WHY NOT Go get some weeds out of the yard and smoke them if YIELD and POTENCY are not important.


Active Member
very good point! i think this stuffs gona be pretty potent, n the reason i needed to speed it is no longer a problem.. now if i could only get them to flowr -_-