Emergency help plz!!!!


Active Member
hello! please help i have many plant problems and they appear to be dying, this is my first time and i have no idea what im doing really, im useing 5 26 watt cfls constant fan 24 hour light, tap water that sits 24 hours, and they are in organic potting soil, avrg temp 79-83 deg F, with about 26% humidity i have 3 plants (from bag seeds) i have a 12-4-8 liqua-feed miracle grow. im not sure how much to give them tho becuase its supposed to be hooked up to a sprayer so last night when i watered them i gave them a couple good sized squirts mixed into it. basically just looking for input, also wondering if i should trim off the damaged leaves?

THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR HELP!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:



Active Member
Yeah dude you way burned em with those nutes. you need to flush out the MG by watering prolly a quart of agua through there over a couple hours. I would give her a good 8 hours sleep and then let her bounce back,and turn wilty a tad before you water again. Read up on feeding and purchase proper food before you attempt to feed again. basically at this point your gonna be looking for 10-5-5 or so ferts. you can go with higher nitrogen levels depending on how you feed but you really gotta read up on this stuff.That plant CAN recover but some won't. It's a simple science of showing love in moderation. Google an RIU are your best friends. Good luck and may the force be potent ass shit. lmao


Active Member
P.S. Don't trim , you need those leaves. Wait to see a whole finger or an entire leaf heading south before pruning.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If your soil is MG you need to change that too. MG is too strong and has synthetic nutes that lock out the nutes pot needs to grow. Your soil looks a little wet. Make sure you dont over water. Over fertilizing causes deficencys and over watering causes root rot. Dont water till pots feel light when you pick them up. Try to find a fertilizer thats 10-10-10 thats the recomended NPK for pot in veg and 10-30-20 for flower. I agree with johndere. You need the leaves. I hope your babies recover. MG is ok outdoors if you dont go crazy with it because ti leaches into the soil. Peace Out!


Active Member
damn i thought it was the opposite of nute burn cuase i hadnt added any nutes untill like 2 days ago when they originally started to look yellowed, also im lookin to pick up a ph tester and was wonderin if its better to get a soil ph tester or just a regular one to check the water