Emergency please help!!

Somehow one way or another my timer got messed up and I don't know how long my lights have been on usually my cut out time 6:30 it's almost 8:00 now and that's just for today what should I do keep the lights on switch it back to my regular time light schedule that I had switch them to flower 1212 so I don't risk confusing them getting a mail I don't know what to do help please


Well-Known Member
Definitely don't keep the lights on, the extra hours they already had is long enough! Just keep them on a 12/12 routine and make sure it's all correct so it doesn't happen again, your all good stressless.


Well-Known Member
Set your timer back to where you wanted it and watch the plants for issues is all you can do. Make sure no hermie or re-veg happens. IF it does, then you may have to throw out the affected plants depending on the issue.


Well-Known Member
Set your timer back to where you wanted it and watch the plants for issues is all you can do. Make sure no hermie or re-veg happens. IF it does, then you may have to throw out the affected plants depending on the issue.
Week and a half ago. I'd imagine he's probably caught on.