Enough light for veg stage?


I have a 4 foot Florescent light fixture that holds 2 bulds both the 6500k color warmth. its in a small grow box i made thats 4 feet long by 2 feet wide and 2.5 feet hight
Im just wondering if thsi is going to be enough light to get me to the flowering stage, in which i have a bigger box set up with a 400 watt hps.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 foot Florescent light fixture that holds 2 bulds both the 6500k color warmth. its in a small grow box i made thats 4 feet long by 2 feet wide and 2.5 feet hight
Im just wondering if thsi is going to be enough light to get me to the flowering stage, in which i have a bigger box set up with a 400 watt hps.
You sound like you should be alright in my opinion, but one question I would like to know is how many plants do you have under that light. You need to make sure you don't have to many depriving some of them. IMO though I would just use the 400w HPS throughout your whole grow. I use a 600w from start to finish never have any problem and always end up with decent yields.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Is that a T12 shop light? Like the one over the workbench or T5HO? How tall do you want to veg them?


There are currently 5 plants in there and seem to be doing good
They are T12 bulbs.
And i only want them to get about 16" to 18" in highest
Thanks for the tips guys


i was wondwering the same i have a 4 ft in flourecent f40 t12/dx phillips alto. it looks like blue light, im planning on growing som clones but idk if this would do, its a 40 watt


Also I read some where on the internet that having plants from seed on a 24 hour cycle would produce more males.
Has anyone else heard this or knows if there is any validity to it?
Cause putting them on a 24 hour cycle sounds like a good idea cause not optimal lights.
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Yes you can veg under t12's, I know I have done it. Anything over 12 inches is kind of pushing it, you won't get light to the lower parts of the plant. Keep the plants really close to the tubes. I agree with greensister go 24 hrs, I don't think that it will effect the gender.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that is true that 24/0 will produce more males. I have been growing for some time now and I always use 24/0 and haven't had a difference in gender it always stay about 50/50, 60/40, but nothing out of the ordinary. Its more about genetics.